The Fuher's Car is STOLEN!

Fucking. Fantastic. :eekdance:

holy shit … that was fucking great

“quit your whining bitch” lmao

LOL…Good Acting Right There!!!

Haha, nice dubbing action, :lol:


Just get me another beetle, Fukin great.

thats awesome

i love the s2k complaints!

I’ve taken better looking shits than a Chris Bangle Chassis!


yeah that was my second favorite line, with #1 being:

“i have car models with less plastic than the interior” (re mustang / camaro)


Could you imagine if a shorter version of that was actually used on network TV by VW? Like during the Superbowl…

Ohh boy, that would be so bad, yet hilarious.

My Lawnmower has more torque!!!