the gamer nerd 10 commandments thought some of them where interesting

most of them I agree with especially the pirating games. I’m big on PC multiplayers and a lot of them don’t work if you’ve downloaded them illegally. The camping one I guess depends on the game.

1 - Unless he’s a real idiot. Then he deserves it.
2 - Unless it might suck and you have a genuine intent to buy it if you find that it does not. (I mean downloading for free, not actually buying a burned CD. Who’s that stupid?)
3 - Only if you suck.
4 - Duh
5 - Of course
6 - Sniping = good; spawn camping = bad… big difference
7 - I don’t care if little Johnny is playing Grand Theft Auto, if his parents are fail, he’ll be fail. I was playing Doom at age 12 and am not a homicidal maniac.
8 - +1,000,000
9 - Zelda rules you inbred fuckwits
10 - Kill? No - Punch? Please

I use cheat codes only after I beat the game. I beat GTA IV without them. The I put them on to fuck around in the city.

Eh, I disagreed with a few.

I never use cheat codes until AFTER I’ve played the game through on my own first. Cheat codes just to get through the game is sad.

Pwning vigorously is a privilege, not a right. If you suck, you suck.

I will camp (don’t be butt hurt because I found a place where you can’t see me), but I will not spawn kill.

I will not honor video game ratings. I will honor my opinion if it’s too mature for minors after I’ve played it myself, not because some board didn’t like the use of the word fuck.

Edit: seems like as I was writing this, others here had similar opinions, lol.

Spawn killing might also be different depending on game. In BF2 I’ll do it but people can easily switch spawn locations. Think about it. If you keep spawning and dying at the same spot…wouldn’t you switch spots? I know some games you are put where you are put.

i agree with #7 and #8 i really don’t want to play five year old that is tea bagging me because he has nothing else to fucking do. if you do #8 you are a fucking bitch that no life and u deserve to be tea bagged.

You’re an incredible woman. :lol:

lol, thanks? :beer:

OT: Yay, for Seaman. What an odd, odd game.

Article is a tad hit or miss, but then again there is quite the variety of gamers out there.

i only spawn kill with a melee attack so people can shoot me. i will not run in there shooting thats for the gays. yet i still maintain that 3-4:1 KDR