The Governement Can Track Your Cell Phone w/o a Warrant.

Yesterday, Magistrate Judge Gorenstein of the federal court for the Southern District of New York issued an opinion permitting the government to use cell site data to track a cell phone’s physical location, without the government having to obtain a search warrant based on probable cause

you think they coulden’t do this before? if your really worried about being tracked you don’t own a cell phone

whoopty do, I don’t care if they know I’m sitting here at my parents house watching Everybody Loves Raymond.

Yah, its not like Im going to organize illegal terrorist activity on my phone

or am I?


I could care less but I figured others would like to know which is why I posted it.

good call on posting it i agree … i guess most people don’t know this shit

didnt know that… kinda feel violated, but i have nothign to hide… i dont care if they know where i am, its just weird thinking about it… when google earth came out i was like no shit… i didnt know they could take pictures that close… o well… im SURE they are even closer now, they could prolly count the hairs on my head…

There have been satellites with a resolution of less than a meter for 3+ years now. The technology is become cheaper and more available for projects like Google Earth and others to be realistic (as well as the govt. allowing the technology to be used).

As for the cell phone tracking, no big news to me. I stopped making visits to the pornography store awhile ago.

Many phones have the ability to shut the GPS locator off, or at least, pretend to shut it off. But who knows if it really is off when it says it is… :gotme:

you only have to worry if your a terrorist or drug dealer, and if you are A or B buy a nextel with push to talk

They could track you when phones frst came out. GPS locator doesnt mean shit. They can triangulate your position with ease. As you move along your signal/ID gets transferred from tower to tower. All that data is available.

Anyone with half a brain that needs to be sneaky will turn their phone off and yank the battery.

true story.

sad part: many folks are missing that “half a brain” concept.