Can an officer search your cell phone during an arrest?

interesting question…

Police Blotter is a regular CNET News report on the intersection of technology and the law.

What: Police claim they can legally copy data from the handheld devices of anyone who’s arrested.

When: Two judges wrestle with concepts including privacy, the Fourth Amendment, and searches, and reach two different conclusions.

What happened, according to court records and other documents:
Handheld gadgets and laptops seem to know us better than our spouses do. They know whom we talk to, which Web sites we visit, whose e-mail we ignore, and with a little extra smarts, they could probably offer an educated guess about what we want for dinner.

To snatch these useful little devices from our homes, police need warrants. But if we happen to be arrested with gadgets in our pocket or purse, police say they have the right to peruse what could be gigabytes of data for potentially incriminating files or photographs.

The frightening scale of electronic searches has made this an important–and unresolved–privacy question. Two recent federal cases illustrate how judges remain deeply divided about whether to support police powers or defend Americans’ privacy rights.

In May 2008, Chester Balmer, an officer with Georgia’s Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department, responded to a complaint of sexual activity in a silver pickup truck parked near an apartment complex. Balmer found a Dodge pickup truck with two people inside, obtained the driver’s permission to look inside the truck, and allegedly spotted crack cocaine in the ashtray.

Balmer arrested the driver, Bernard McCray, and scrolled through the photos on McCray’s mobile phone. He found images of what he believed to be a 14-year-old teenage girl in lewd poses, which led to McCray being charged with possession of child pornography. His lawyer objected to using the images as evidence, saying the warrantless search violated the Fourth Amendment.

U.S. District Judge B. Avant Edenfield disagreed. Because papers, diaries, and traditional photographs can be examined during an arrest, Edenfield reasoned, a mobile phone can too.

The second case yielded a different result. It began with a Florida drug bust involving a man named Aaron Wall. A Drug Enforcement Administration informant offered to sell several kilograms of cocaine to Wall, who was arrested when he allegedly showed up at an exchange point with a bag full of cash.

Wall had two cell phones, which DEA agent Dave Mitchell examined during the booking process (but not during or immediately after the arrest). Mitchell found and took photographs of several text messages on the defendant’s phones.

Mitchell would later offer justifications for his warrantless search: 1) he regularly performs mobile-phone searches because it’s common to find evidence of crimes in text messages; 2) it’s a standard DEA practice authorized by the DEA Legal Department, as long as the search is performed during the booking process; 3) he was concerned that the text messages might expire after a certain amount of time; and 4) the cell phone battery may die.

When the defense attorney objected to the search, U.S. District Judge William Zloch agreed. He said, essentially, that the DEA agent lied: “The court finds Agent Mitchell’s statement that he searched the phone because of his concern that text messages might immanently expire is not credible…the true, and only, purpose of the search by Agent Mitchell was to find incriminating evidence.”

Zloch ordered that the incriminating text messages be suppressed, which means that prosecutors can’t use them in court proceedings.

These two cases capture the different ways to look at digital devices: are they like physical containers, which can be opened at will during arrests, or does their uniquely personal nature mean that a search warrant should be required? Few of us would have traveled with decades’ worth of intimate personal diaries, but that’s what modern gadgetry lets us do.

One of the better-known cases is the 5th Circuit’s opinion (PDF) in January 2007, which sided with police. Police Blotter has covered other cases that took the pro-police view and the pro-privacy view.

It’s worth pointing out that the second proceedings may have turned out differently, if the cops had searched Wall’s mobile phone at the time of the arrest, rather than waiting until booking. Then again, this is no tremendous obstacle: if judges insist on that distinction, police can respond by doing a complete copy at the time of arrest. (Note that the state of Florida says “agents should continue to obtain search warrants for securing information from cell phones seized from arrested subject.” That shows that a search warrant is no insurmountable hurdle.)

Excerpt from opinion of U.S. District Judge B. Avant Edenfield on January 5, 2009, allowing the mobile-device search:
It is well settled that a search incident to a lawful arrest is a traditional exception to the warrant requirement of the Fourth Amendment. Such searches are reasonable not only because of the need to disarm the arrestee of any weapons that might be used to resist arrest or effect his escape, but also because of the need “to search for and seize any evidence on the arrestee’s person in order to prevent its concealment or destruction.” (Unquestionably, when a person is lawfully arrested, the police have the right, without a search warrant, to make a contemporaneous search of the person of the accused for weapons or for the fruits of or implements used to commit the crime.)

As the Fifth Circuit held in Finley, “the permissible scope of a search incident to a lawful arrest extends to containers found on an arrestee’s person.” A cell phone, like a beeper, is an electronic “container,” in that it stores information that may have great evidentiary value (and that might easily be destroyed or corrupted).

While such electronic storage devices are of more recent vintage than papers, diaries, or traditional photographs, the basic principle still applies: incident to a person’s arrest, a mobile phone or beeper may be briefly inspected to see if it contains evidence relevant to the charge for which the defendant has been arrested.

Excerpt from opinion of U.S. District Judge William Zloch on December 22, not allowing the mobile-device search:
The search of the cell phone cannot be justified as a search incident to lawful arrest. First, Agent Mitchell accessed the text messages when Wall was being booked at the station house. Thus, it was not contemporaneous with the arrest. Also, the justification for this exception to the warrant requirement is the need for officer safety and to preserve evidence…The content of a text message on a cell phone presents no danger of physical harm to the arresting officers or others. Further, searching through information stored on a cell phone is analogous to a search of a sealed letter, which requires a warrant.

The Court further finds that the search of text messages does not constitute an inventory search. The purpose of an inventory search is to document all property in an arrested person’s possession to protect property from theft and the police from lawsuits based on lost or stolen property.

This, of course, includes cell phones. However, there is no need to document the phone numbers, photos, text messages, or other data stored in the memory of a cell phone to properly inventory the person’s possessions because the threat of theft concerns the cell phone itself, not the electronic information stored on it.

Surely the government cannot claim that a search of text messages on Wall’s cell phones was necessary to inventory the property in his possession. Therefore, the search exceeded the scope of an inventory search and entered the territory of general rummaging.

for people that cant view the link

Page won’t load for me but as far as I know they are not allowed to search without A)consent from the suspect or B)without a search warrant.

it’s not a matter of whether they can or can’t, it’s a matter of if it’s illegal or not.

I had 2 troopers search my car for NO reason other than the fact I was speeding.
Where is the probable cause.

As the Fifth Circuit held in Finley, “the permissible scope of a search incident to a lawful arrest extends to containers found on an arrestee’s person.” A cell phone, like a beeper, is an electronic “container,” in that it stores information that may have great evidentiary value (and that might easily be destroyed or corrupted).

While such electronic storage devices are of more recent vintage than papers, diaries, or traditional photographs, the basic principle still applies: incident to a person’s arrest, a mobile phone or beeper may be briefly inspected to see if it contains evidence relevant to the charge for which the defendant has been arrested.

I agree with that judge.

When your searched at the point of arrest, its not intended to be an evidence sweep, unless its believed the crime that your arrested for, can be suppored with evidence on your person. Arrest is not a catch all, “hey we got ya” now lets see how much stuff we can find by raiding everything we can get our grubby hands on. You do still have the presumption of innocence, and be raiding a phone, your presuming someone is guilty, and trying to back that up by going fishing.

Some say that “hey, if you have nothing to hide then why care”. Thats great, until your phone, with who knows what on it is being raided after a DUI stop. My phone has many things on it. I travel alot, and its all I have sometimes besides a uniform. I don’t want some wet behind the ears cop thinking that he can go into my phone to see what he can drag up.

This would lead to them taking your computer out of your car at the same DUI stop, and seeing every website you have been to, your e-mail if you have outlook, and all sorts of stuff.

Very bad precident if judges rule that this is legal IMO.

I agree with the other judge.

Excerpt from opinion of U.S. District Judge William Zloch on December 22, not allowing the mobile-device search:
The search of the cell phone cannot be justified as a search incident to lawful arrest. First, Agent Mitchell accessed the text messages when Wall was being booked at the station house. Thus, it was not contemporaneous with the arrest. Also, the justification for this exception to the warrant requirement is the need for officer safety and to preserve evidence…The content of a text message on a cell phone presents no danger of physical harm to the arresting officers or others. Further, searching through information stored on a cell phone is analogous to a search of a sealed letter, which requires a warrant.

The Court further finds that the search of text messages does not constitute an inventory search. The purpose of an inventory search is to document all property in an arrested person’s possession to protect property from theft and the police from lawsuits based on lost or stolen property.

Charging people based on the inventory search is bullshit to begin with, based on the constitution, because if it really was to protect their property from theft the person should be able to waive their right to it. Cops get a lot of wiggle room with overriding the 2nd amendment, like when they stormed OJ’s house the night of the murders without a warrant because they “feared for his safety.” (Too bad they didn’t get the job done) However, it’s tough to get sentiment on that side because the person already got arrested. Searching the phone more often than not has nothing to do with the crime, and as such, unless they were busted for making a drug deal over the phone or picture messaging nudes with 12 year olds, its off limits.

now, what if you have it locked? does the same thing apply? I would assume so, since your trunk is locked, and is usually searched

I would also assume that a laptop or even a carputer is just as subject to said search?

A few years ago, crossing over into canada, I was asked to pull over so they could search the car. They went through it and found my CD book… the fuckers went through each one to make sure it wasn’t “porn or pirated software”

wtf? lol

probably your laundry list of previous run ins? :gotme:

I find it hard to charge someone on child pornography for the photos.

You can’t tell how old someone is from a picture. I’ve seen girls who are 14 who look 25 naked and 25 who look 14 naked… that’s kind of a limit.

If you have shit to hide on a cell phone make sure you have a good way of locking the device upon arrest. Better idea, don’t get arrested.

or don’t indulge in illegal porn :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you mean 4th amendment, unless they were taking OJ’s guns. :wink:

They’re allowed to search notebooks, photos and diaries when you are arrested so I don’t see a big difference in a cell phone. It’s reasonable that there could be evidence of the crime you’re being arrested for on there.

Our opinions really don’t matter because I’m sure this will end up before the supreme court in the next year or so. And with the conservative 5-4 split of the current court I see the phone records ending up admissible.

ah yes, bill of rights owns me. must be all of that gun control talk that spilled all over the place here last week that had the 2nd stuck in my head

No way, hot jailbait pics rock.:eekdance:

haha thats great because my phone is always locked and if they pull the battery out they have to figure out two passwords lol


Its the same thing as if a cop wanted to search your car or backpack and went and did it.

They need reasonable cause to legally just do it

No, they don’t, not when you’re already being arrested. If the backpack was on you at the time of arrest, or you were in the car, they have the right to search both for evidence of the crime you are being arrested for.

Doesn’t it still need to be related to the case tho or them have a reason to search it for what you are charged with?

Password lock everything. You don’t have to give up passwords even at the border as far as i know based on recent court cases. I might be wrong tho.

Not true, you havn’t been through cop 101.

In cop 101:

Day 1 - You search anything you want, and IF you find something, then you can drum up some probable cause bs.

Day 2 - If you find nothing in your search, then claim it was for “police safety”.

Day 3 - If you can’t find an excuse to get away with infringing on the rights of people, then claim that it was to “protect the individual” or “childrens safety”.

Day 4 - Shoot every dog in the house, just cause.

Day 5 - Sprinkle crack on everything.