Can an officer search your cell phone during an arrest?

Day 6 - Anyone asks questions, bring up the Patriot Act and call them a terrorist.

what if the cellphone has a password?

Beat the password out of them of course

jack bauer style

I got pulled over and searched for no reason other then at the time I looked like a stoner. I had nothing on me and the cop told me that when we were joking around after. He did search my texts and cell though after he found nothing in the car.

now that sounds like illegal search and seizure… considering there wasn’t anything on you that would of provoked him to search your phone. I’m no lawyer, but I don’t know if I would of let him do that.

edit: doesn’t that violate some sort of electronic privacy rights?

Well my inbox is locked and so is the SIM card in the back.
And I know my rights, so you gon’ need a warrant for dat.

thats stupid, however I dont care there are reasons for deleteing everything from your phone. I carry a basic phone now too, so I’m not at all worried.

Im sure people are smart enough to master reset thier phones before they are cuffed.

For you people up to illegal no goods, remember you can throw the phone in a puddle or spike it like a football and the worse you can get is littering.

I’m sure it was all illegal, I don’t know the law and I’m not going to argue with a cop about handing over my cell phone when he is accusing me of rolling a stop sign. I knew he was behind me and stopped completely. I also was not under arrest at the time so that makes it even worse.

iPhone for the win.

10 bad logins and the phone clears itself :slight_smile:


So I guess I can make a lot of money by producing cell phones, laptops and computer that automatically destroy all memory unless the correct password is entered?

Open phone, enter password, one chance given for mistakes, second wrong entry all memory burns up, profit.

Plus if idiots enter their password wrong twice and the thing burns up, I get to sell them another one! Woot Woot

I bet all it would take is one pre-charged high voltage capacitor linked into the ram/memory etc.

well arent you sharp as a tack

what type of things are you people hiding on your phones?

I take pictures of myself clubbing baby seals. :gotme:

how is it his fault that the pictures were SENT to his phone? its not like he was looking for them? (even tho im sure he was, they cant just assume)

you some type of lawyer or somethin’?
Or somebody important or somethin’?"