the hatch

well, the coupe has seen better days, just picked up the new hatchbackeroo
and well, diamond in the rough i tell ya. so clean (waay better then my coupe) good price 180km 5spd.
after about 2 hours and a pack of smokes, finnally got the stupid alarm out of it, first i thought it was a box for cable tv. turns out it wasnt i was upset at this time

Oh yeah, lawn chairs>racing seats

i thought it was cable t.v. to… sad

get rid of that jock strap smell… good ol axe

that was the cable t.v. box

random shit under dash

just getting started…

yeah i know the pics are backwards but what can you do…

Do me a favor and take that Ugly gold stripe off asap, okay?

By the looks of the floors it looks fairly clean rust wise, hows the frame?

Good job buying a hatch, you know you like it better :smiley:

Edit, looking over the pics it looks like you already took the stripe off, Good job :thumbsup:

id eat a cheese burger off the frame, the floor needs to be patched in one spot, which were doing later in the week, and the gold stipe was suposta be gone as soon as i bought it, but i couldnt get it off

did this hatch belong to that girl who drove it to bings meet a few years back?

hatch > coupe.

the guy i bought it off of had no idea about son, never heard of it, hes had it for awhile too

Congrats looks like you got one in fairly good shape …to many people buy rusted 240 looks like you did your homework


bet you guys would never guess what i payed for it either.
I could get it safety’d tomorrow if i wanted to, the thing is awesome. gonna have to get rid of something soon tho, cant drive 4 cars at once…
Question tho, if anyone knows, when i took that old ass alarm out. started it up now the antilock light on the dash is on. the alarm was pretty much right beside the abs unit, but i didnt see anything that got unpluged or mistakenly cut

take out the ABS while your at it ?
you may as well…

and i guesss you paid 750.

thats to much work now, and your the closest one to guess so far.
More pictures will come on tuesday, gonna be cleaning up the spots so they can be welded and cement/taring the floor/frame… fun times, shawnnnnn hit the reserve up for a bag of smokes this time
an maybe some bishes to do some work as well.

knowing you im going with 500-600$ lol

good choice. its pretty clean. And good idea to get a hatch they are way nicer

car looks sweet im glad you got a hatch…way better hten the coupe. i just powerwashed my stripe off my car?
cant wait to see this beast.

nice nice matt.

love the lawnchair driver seat