THE **iPhone** Thread (GPS, JailBreak, Apps, Etc)

can you view folders with that? Or do you need to know the filename? That may work (and then just bookmark it or whatever)

Na no directory browsing which kind of defeats the purpose. The more I use that music program the more I am going to want to browse the directory so I will let you know what I come across

lame :tdown: it would be cool if it saved it in a folder that the new mobile finder can see.

Either that or use SSH but that would defeat the point

ya you can get the mobile terminal and do a “ls” in the folder and see the files but I see what you are saying and wish there was a way to browse and play downloaded files without having to go into the phone and get them off first.

new project for ya? :smiley:

ha ya. not enough time in the day to fit in all my little projects.

once i get OSX installed on my lappy i might take a stab at writing program to browse directories.

EDIT: ZING! Might have an idea to tweak it to work right. Will post soon.

Almost there tho. Getting a forbidden error on browsing folders tho so still got some stuff to work on but I am almost there.

no shit… how’d ya do it? safari plugin?

Na, I have been working with the lighttpd web server and trying to get that configured right. Changing it to run as root only on the local interface so only your iphone can get to it. Just messing with permission issues now to test to see if clicking a .mp3 file will play it correctly.

how do you configure the phone to run as root? or are you viewing the contents of the phone via a server application tunneled through safari?

Well I am thinking it has to do with the browser running with nobody permissions and I am trying to browse a filesystem that is in the root group so I will be playing with that after lunch and tonight.

ah, I got ya.

lmk how it works out for ya

im putting a poll up on how long it takes Boxxa to completely brick his phone

Hahah you cant brick an iPhone unless you mess with the baseband and bootloader to get it to work on new networks.

mine completely froze last night, had to hard boot, i wasnt happy.

But it does seem funny that as the guy who is constantly playing with hacks your iphone seems to be the least reliable of all the ones I’ve seen.

Na the issues I have are firmware related. I tested pure vanilla install of 2.0.2 and it sucks. I didnt see too many issues other than the slow contacts until I traveled. The NYC Subways, being in datacenters, and going from No Service/Service areas was just awful. That on top of the EDGE to 3G transition issues are known and being addressed in the new firmware with an algorythym.

Ive just accepted the issues and now had fun with the jail break. My lock screen is pretty sweet too now that my gmail inbox shows up on it :slight_smile:

lol you’ll get used to it. It’s happened to me more times than I can count.

apple doesn’t have a BSOD, their shit just locks up :smiley:

ha ya. there is no blue screen staring you in the face letting you know its a piece of shit. they just crash hard and throw the apple logo back up to make you feel better :slight_smile:

any way to stream internet radio from the iphone to the car?

I have BT, not sure if that matters.