THE **iPhone** Thread (GPS, JailBreak, Apps, Etc)

Yeah, fuck that Apple interface that works so well it’s made even me consider a mac for my next desktop at home. I’d much rather have some clunky linux hack so I can say I have full control over my now crippled device.



this will in no way replace the mobile OS… just extend more functionality to the device. It’ll pretty much be the equivalent of carrying a small laptop with you in your pocket. Most people might not find a need for it, but I’m sure a lot will.

You sound like a mac zealot taking about booting windows on thier precious macs lol

Ya watch the video. Its a bootloader that boots both. One is the Unix prompt and the other is the iPhone OS. Its more of a proof of concept that shows that we can have access and the device is somewhat like a portable computer. If they really get going on it and develop the drivers and a phone application, that would be beyond sweet but something tells me they are going to run into problems getting the iPhone Linux to interact with the baseband.

I still want to see them port android over to the iPhone. Lol.

WTF? You can’t use the iPhone with gloves??

I was wearing my black leather driving gloves and tapping the stupid icons did nothing! Is there a heat sensor on the touch screen?

HAHAHAHAHA I had to answer the phone using my nose lol

I hadn’t really thought about it because it hasn’t been that cold.

Of course, some enterprising mind has a solution:

it will respond to anything conductive

fucking NICE! Joost is now avalible on the iphone and ipod touch. Watch movies and TV shows streaming over the internet. Been waiting for something like this or hulu to come out

edit: only wifi acess :tdown: I’m sure there will be a work around eventually

I dont have 3g so :frowning:

would the 3g network support that kind of bandwidth though?

it should be able to. Youtube works fine over 3g (and edge for the most part), so does streaming video through

edit: just did a speed test on over 3G and getting 1.93Mbps (236kB/s), that should be plenty

My download speed for edge in the basement of my work is .21Mbps or 25kB/s

Upload is .03Mbps or 4kB/s

so either my basement sucks or 3g is super fast!

lol well it said my connection was approx 9X faster than edge so your numbers sound about spot on

ya mine said it was 1.03times faster then edge and it says at the bottom to hold the home button and sleep button to save the image and now i think i accidently turned my iphone off and its super slow at rebooting!


Can you save what on the screen on the safari?

yup, just tap home and power at the same time. The screen will fade out to white real quick, then check your photos. It should be the last one in there.

ohh kool, it said to hold and it didnt work. i had no clue i could do that! hmm is there other kool things this thing can do that might be usefull?

here’s my fail


here’s my fail

yeah, edge sucks balls. It’s still ok for streaming audio online though… it’s good enough for a situation where you NEED internet acess but it will drive you crazy lol. Go buy a 3G phone… sell your 2G on ebay for 300-350, spend 200 on a 3G and profit 100-150 bucks