great concept if a lot of people start using it. Lets try this out see how it goes.
i use that its ok, really only good with the 3g though, all it does is just show u where cops normally hide really. i thought it was something that shows you where they are right now…however i never knew there were cameras on the intersection by the airport (genesee and cayuga)
its not picture messaging like u think it is just another AIM type program, not worth it IMO
just a heads up, there is a copy/paste tool on cydia. it was just recently updated and its working great. the only downside is that you can only copy from the text edit window, but it does work from program to program (safari to email for example).
Ya there was a cool one that allows you to copy hyper links and past them but you can not really select what part you copy if you have a whole email but its sure a step in the right direction.
Waiting for the 2.2.1 jailbreak firmware and hopefully gonna fix my safari crashing. This might be a time for me to expand my root partition and see if it fixes some of the application memory issues.
Seriously, I need help understanding Photos taken with the iPhone.
- Photo on iPhone -> Looks Good
- Photo copied to Win XP Folder -> Clocked -90 degrees
- Photo transferred to WinXP & correcting the rotation -> Looks Good in WinXP
- View that file from #3 in a Shared Folder on XBOX 360 -> back to clocked -90 degrees.
- Or Upload that file from #3 to something like Flikr and it is also clocked -90 degrees.
What is the simple trick for copying or syncing photos so they look correct? I’ve never had this issue with a camera, so it has to be the iPhone. I see lots of posts on the nets, but no real answer. Help??
if you have vonage you can make free calls through your home vonage account with wifi using fring on the appstore.
I know because I make calls to canada from my iphone for free
Fring is OK but its sometimes laggy since it goes from your phone> fring website > provider.
Jailbreak and install SIAX. It connects right to your calling server. I use it in my office to our phone system and when I am home, I use it as my extension on my web company phone line
Anything new in the Iphone world yet? Flash would be sweet!
They are working on flash and has been confirmed by apple and adobe.
The probably started working on it on Steve’s first sick day.
I think its funny that there are rumors of a new iPhone are already coming out. Personally I waited for the 3G becuase it used the high speed network and I bought it planning on keeping it for at least 2 years since by then there would be at least one new technology but what reason is there in the next 6 months to buy a updated phone?
Question about the whole emailing pictures via ect…
if they are able to recieve pictures…how do they reply to me via email if they do not have email messaging, only MMS?
Basically I’m asking how does a person with verizon send a picture to my iphone
they send an email back to you its really the only way
ok so my touch screen does not work anymore…i tried restoring it and that didnt help is my phone now screwed?
so this is what my phone looks like at this point in time
waiting for the part to come in wednesday
ick! how difficult was it to pull apart
2 hard parts really
1st is getting the antenna cover off to start taking it appart 2nd is separating the screen/digitezer from the case since there is a lot of glue on that thing…ended up breaking my screen but it dont matter since i need a new digitizer and thats part of the screen
ok what the fuck do i do with a .rar file i downloaded
unrar it? :thankyou:
Really… need a little more detail here.
is there a program for the touch that i can put like a HTML type doc on it to look at and such??.. like a ebook