The irony is astounding

so basically, a freind of a freind, named jim, i always running his mouth. Alot, to the point where alot of people dont like him.

Hes always talking about the multitudes of girls he nailed, how ridiculously fast his stock focus ST is, and how hes absolutly amazing. :rolljerk: Well, I think karma just gave him a wakeup call.

Hes been dating this girl for 5 months.

She is now 4 months pregnant :rofl:

she has HPV, and didnt tell him till a month after dating.

He now has HPV :rofl:

the bank is about to reposess his siqqqqq car because he hasnt made any payments in 4 months.


Merry Xmas :rofl:

Lol, Focus ST. :lol:

Can a guy get HPV? I thought that was the virus that causes cervical cancer.

It leads to cervical cancer in women… not sure what it does to men but I would imagine its not good to have.

Not really irony though, more of karma, as you already said.

HPV is a fancy name for herpes.

(HPV). Human papillomavirus is the name of a group of viruses that includes more than 100 different strains or types. More than 30 of these viruses are sexually transmitted, and they can infect the genital area of men and women including the skin of the penis, vulva (area outside the vagina), or anus, and the linings of the vagina, cervix, or rectum. Most people who become infected with HPV will not have any symptoms and will clear the infection on their own

HPV is hpv

herpes is herpes

herpes isnt curable and doesnt go away

HPV often goes away via being fought off by your immune sysem

Hmm…sucks to be him lol.

Irony - JEG saying it sucks to be someone lol.


this is prescisely why i just walk away from people that piss me off, they always get whats coming to them

2 completely different diseases.

X2783745, An ass will usually be trumped by a bigger ass.

HPV causes Genital Warts… not fun!

Warning: very gross medical pictures of some geital warts caused by HPV. Not porno but does show genitalia.

Safe sex anyone?

karma… its a wonderful thing

this just in…

jim just found out he has the clap :rofl: :rofl:

sounds like he deserves everythign he got, bu it also sounds like he’s the type of yam bag that will spread to anybody he can

nope, hes very devoted to the girl that is carrying his child, and gave him both STD’s.

i guess shes in a really giving mood seeing as its the holidays and everything :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

this just keeps getting better and better