the Jena 6


well since everyone is waiting ill give a quick response since i havent read too much on this topic.

:gotme: white kids press all the right buttons in the black kids, black kids respond by handing out one hell of an ass whooping, now black kids face attempted murder:gotme:

But in all seriousness it would seem a bit odd that they would be charged with attempted murder. Should they be released without punishment…no…but the punishment should fit the crime. People catch ass whoopings it happens. As far as I know generally those dont become attmepted murder trials or at least not in the case of minors.

To me its pretty simple if they arent given a fair punishment then the race tension will get worse and more violence will happen.

Specifically on a national scale it will give whites more of a reason to hate blacks and vice versa it just motivates the real racists to come out of the woodwork. So instead of an angry city of protesters we have a angry country of protesters and things progressively get worse.


when the kid became unconscious and they still continued to stomp,kick, & punch him until they were pulled away is where it becomes attempted murder.