the Jena 6


finally found a decent time line of this case

White kids have a tree, they call it the white tree. They hang 3 nooses from it.
White kids jump a black student at a party, beat the fucking shit out of him.
3 black students had a rifle drawn on them at a gas station by white students. They (the black students) wrestle the rifle away, go to the police. Are charged with theft of the gun.
Someone sets the school on fire.
Then, one white kid starts calling a group of black students n*gger over and over again. Fight breaks out, 6 black students beat the white kid up.
He goes to the hospital, is released within 3 hours with bruises ONLY, goes to a party that night in near perfect health.
DA tells the black students who beat him up, with my pen, I can ruin your whole lives.
He charges all 6 students with attempted murder even though the white student had only minor injuries and went to a party the same night he was in the fight.
6 students now on trial for attempted murder of a kid who had only bruises.
None of the white students who beat up the black kid, or pulled a gun on black students, or hung nooses from the tree, are charged with any crimes at all.
The nooses were called a prank by the DA.


i had heard that the jena kids asked to sit under the tree and when was told they could, they did, then the next day there were nooses hangning.

i could be wrong, just what i heard that started this latest inncident.

what i dont get is the attempted murder charge… yes, they beat the kid up to the point of putting him in the hospital, yes, it was brutal, BUT how many people have you seen fight in just your own school when you were in, it happend all the time. infact we had a kid at our school my junior year throw another kid through a 10 foot pane glass window… no attempted murder charge there???

another thing is the DA, hes obviously showing signs of racism, and yet stays in charge of prosecuting these kids… to brush off the signifigance of the nooses’, only calling them pranks ??? how bad is the justics system where they can throw a blind eye to this ?