the Jena 6

The problem is you can’t excuse a 6 on 1 beating on “tension”. Things are tense between programming and QA here at work, but it doesn’t mean we get a pass if 6 of us programmers wait out in the parking lot and beat the tar out of some QA person with our pocket protectors.

Or, a little more realistic example. Things are tense over in Iraq, but when that group of soldiers snapped and executed that innocent family they were charged. I’m pretty sure the tension between our military and the Iraqi’s is a little more tense than at some LA high school.


Things are tense between programming and QA here at work, but it doesn’t mean we get a pass if 6 of us programmers wait out in the parking lot and beat the tar out of some QA person with our pocket protectors.


That’d be awesome. You could beat them with your keyboards, they would respond with an in depth month long analysis of the mode of failure of their heads. :tup:


The problem is you can’t excuse a 6 on 1 beating on “tension”.


agreed, BUT were only looking at this from a news perspective, we only have the facts that were given. i bet if you looked inside that school for a week youd see how bad it was in the deep south with race being the issue for everything. we dont know what goes on from day to day down there and im sure its A LOT worse than anyone on this board has ever seen.

i dont excuse a 6 on 1 beating, it wasnt justified, but i dont think anyone that doesnt live down there really knows how bad it is.

i was stationed at keesler afb for tech school in biloxi ms and that shit was crazy down there and it was just a tourist town


Or, a little more realistic example. Things are tense over in Iraq, but when that group of soldiers snapped and executed that innocent family they were charged. I’m pretty sure the tension between our military and the Iraqi’s is a little more tense than at some LA high school.


That’s a terrible comparison lol. First off your are trying to compare an assassination to an unfair fight, and the military to a bunch of high school kids. That just doesn’t work, try again.

The soldiers should have been charged with murder, these kids should no be charged with attempted murder, it’s absurd. The nooses will probably work against their cause because the D.A. will try to say the nooses where what caused the intent to kill the white kid.

Our system is a joke. A 16 year old black female and a 17 year old black male have consensual sex, somehow it ends up in court and the male gets 10 years in prison. A white teacher can sleep with one of her 13 year old students, where she is in a position of power, and get 5 months probation. Our system is very fair :bloated:.

All my point was that tension cannot excuse violence because that’s what everyone is using as the basis of why they should be let go.



there is nothing wrong with hanging a noose lol maybe they were calling for Lurch (people who played NES’s Festers Quest will get that joke)


Festers Quest is f’in sweet.

Anywho, remind me to never move to the south. You’d figure the race pot would have stopped turning going in to the 21st century, but you forget the abolitionists are still the old timers who are stuck in “The world is against us” mode. Give it another 20 years.

well since everyone is waiting ill give a quick response since i havent read too much on this topic.

:gotme: white kids press all the right buttons in the black kids, black kids respond by handing out one hell of an ass whooping, now black kids face attempted murder:gotme:

But in all seriousness it would seem a bit odd that they would be charged with attempted murder. Should they be released without punishment…no…but the punishment should fit the crime. People catch ass whoopings it happens. As far as I know generally those dont become attmepted murder trials or at least not in the case of minors.

To me its pretty simple if they arent given a fair punishment then the race tension will get worse and more violence will happen.

Specifically on a national scale it will give whites more of a reason to hate blacks and vice versa it just motivates the real racists to come out of the woodwork. So instead of an angry city of protesters we have a angry country of protesters and things progressively get worse.

Sounds like a real messed up situation and a lot of things leading to the incident.

But a question asked by a co-worker after reading this. Reverse the colors. If it was reversed, would you see busloads of whites going to protest the case?

Our court system is very unbalanced. Hanging a noose in a tree is wrong, but not anywhere as severe as basically beating to death a person. Plus one of the defendants has a heavy record against him. I don’t see anything good coming out of this other than making the situation even more segregated down there.


To me its pretty simple if they arent given a fair punishment then the race tension will get worse and more violence will happen.


So who determines fair?

A group beating is a group beating.

No matter what the race.

i love libreal political correctness! it fucking make me want to hurl!


This is why racism will always exist. It’s stories like this that give racists the ammo they need to create more racists.

And sorry Bikerfry, but 6 kids stomping 1 kid and putting him in the hospital is not “a high school fight”.


It was actually white kids that started the fight at the party, the black kids were defending themselves

EDIT: and there where also multiple fights between the same groups of kids and the white kids where never reprimanded more than a detention from the school in response to the fights that have been happening.


It was actually white kids that started the fight at the party, the black kids were defending themselves


And the beating that this whole thing is over happened in school days later.

see edit



Sounds like a real messed up situation and a lot of things leading to the incident.

But a question asked by a co-worker after reading this. Reverse the colors. If it was reversed, would you see busloads of whites going to protest the case?

Our court system is very unbalanced. Hanging a noose in a tree is wrong, but not anywhere as severe as basically beating to death a person. Plus one of the defendants has a heavy record against him. I don’t see anything good coming out of this other than making the situation even more segregated down there.

So who determines fair?


The courts do of course, but again an ass whooping is an ass whooping it isnt attempted murder. If the 6 kids wanted to kill him they could have with ease, so i think the attempted murder idea should be put to rest. In most cases i would say you go based off of previous cases similar to this. Although under no circumstances would i advocate sending a 14 year old to prison for an extended period of time because by the time they get out they are basically a hardened criminal and will be worthless towards society.


But a question asked by a co-worker after reading this. Reverse the colors. If it was reversed, would you see busloads of whites going to protest the case?


no… youd see the same rally though with sharpton and jackson but this time theyd be there for support cause a bunch of racist white kids beat up one black kid…

racism exists because people still let it, you cant really defeat it, just move on with it.

kinda like when you were a lil kid and say you did something, got beat up, and your parents came out to defend you, what would happen? youd get your ass beat harder cause you brought someone else into it to protect you. as long as you had someone defending you, you could never get ahead… that to me is what all these rallys and protests are effectively doing. theyre holding progress back

I personally would be embarrassed that it took 6 people to beat him up.


Would anyone else find humor to this if the 6 people were sentenced to death by hanging?


But a question asked by a co-worker after reading this. Reverse the colors. If it was reversed, would you see busloads of whites going to protest the case?



put the six black kids in seperate rooms.

let 6 white prison guards beat the shit out of each one of them.

that is fair.

while i don’t condone the beating by any means, what the hell did the white kids expect by hanging nooses?