The last movie you've seen, and rate it.

Sounds like it.
Damn it, I missed this shit when I was in Vegas.

The only thing I hated about the movie was the rediculous alien scene in the end and the monkey swinging of Sam Witwicky.

step brothers - 9/10
role models 9.75/10

the ant scene was a shitty too.

too much CGI ruined it for me

wasn’t that good. casino royale was a 9/10. quantum had much less sophistication.

strangers 6/10 was a good story but the ending was stupid

Apocalypto 9/10

Punisher: Warzone


Decent movie, decent acting, lots of action and gore, some cheese factor but not enough to ruin the movie. :tup:

fight club

dont really need a review lol

ok, seriously…haven’t there been like 3 punisher movie remakes already? why does this comic book character keep getting redone??
and they all were cheesy and blew starting with cheeseman dolph lundgren.

There was really no story to the movie…Pretty shitty if you ask me.


Blade runner ultimate edition on BRD.


such a great older movie, BRD makes it even better.

Punisher: War Zone comics is a spin off of Punisher Comic books. There were two main stream Punisher Comics:

i just watched quantom of solace, but only got 72min into the movie before my free thing ended lol, kinda sucked tho for how far i was and had a hard trouble staying interested… 4/10

Four Christmas’


Vince came through with the laughs, didn’t like Reese in it though.

Blood Diamond

Turned it on the tube a half hour in…thought it was very good from what i saw!


yes it was good.


BOLT! 10/10! lol : Warning their are some sad parts i had to hold the tears back!

Cleaner - 7/10 it was not a bad movie. its a murder mystery with samual jackson. his job is cleaning up homicides and other death related things at a persons house. he gets caught in a bind when he cleans a house that should not have been cleaned yet.