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Cruise didn’t even use a German or English accent. That is some bullshit. As soon as I saw that, I didn’t want to see this any longer.

Step Brothers - some funny parts… but pretty boring 3.5/10

Milk - 9/10
Slumdog Millionaire - 8.5/10

E: How would Cruise using a German or English accent be any better? Either he’s speaking German (accuracy), or he’s not, in which case any kind of affectation just draws you further out of the movie. His natural dialect is appropriate in a situation where he’s not speaking actual German.

How would speaking with a German accent when he is playing a German soldier take you out of the movie?:picard:

Because it’s not going to be perfect. And last I checked, German soldiers in WWII didn’t speak English anyway. Unless Tom Cruise has mastered accents of late (he doesn’t exactly have an extensive repertoire), he’ll be speaking in a mediocre German accent, which will draw me out because I’ll be thinking “Gah, there’s Tom Cruise trying to be German again.”

Either it’s in actual German, or it doesn’t matter, because it’s not accurate anyway.

I admit that his German accent would have sucked. Either way he was the wrong choice for this movie. But he probably funded it so…

I agree Tom Cruise probably wouldn’t be the best choice for the movie, but I think he did play the role pretty well.

seen underworld 1 and 2. bother were pretty good movies if u like vampire stuff like blade

I LOVED the Underworld movies, the next one is going to be amazing as well.

Last night I saw Bedtime Stories (new movie with Adam Sandler). It was pretty good actually. Had some pretty funny parts. Good family/kids/ take your gf to type movie. I’d give it a 7/10.

The Day the Earth Stood Still - 6 / 10

Not a terrible movie, but it didn’t make you think at all like the previews made it seem. I was going into it with the mindset I was going to have to figure shit out and have to use my brain to understand what was going on, and it was totally straight forward. Other than that, not bad.

Eagle Eye - 6.5 / 10

Started off good, even continued pretty good in the middle, then once you figured out what was going on it turned pretty stupid. One of those “They could have just done this, or this, or this…” and the whole sequence of the movie could have just been avoided. Previews are somewhat deceiving, I was expecting some terrorist attack to me imminent and the main storyline of the plot to be some huge distraction… nope. Not a bad movie at all though, great special effects, but sometimes reminded me of transformers because of all the shit going on on the screen at once and the cameras switching back and forth to each other so much and so fast you feel like you’re missing stuff.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

Very good, and despite being almost 3 hours long didn’t drag on. I thought it felt sort of like Forrest Gump meets The Notebook, but it was good none the less.

Taken 8/10.

Starts out kinda meh, seems very predictable… turns out to be a pretty solid action/thriller. Kidnapping, Hookers, Drugs, Guns, and Violence. Pretty solid recipe.

Maximum Overdrive

I saw this movie once when I was very young. It definitely scared me back then, but what 7 year old isn’t afraid of scary movies?
Starring Emilio Estevez, this is the epitome of 80’s B-movie horror. It’s not at all scary and there is very little here that hasn’t been seen before.

8/10 for nostalgia
4/10 for content

Righteous Kill - 8.5 / 10

No real complaints. Great twist, kept me thinking the whole time. DeNiro and Pacino are magnificent as always.

Step Brothers - 6.5 / 10

Pretty Funny, kinda slow at times, overall not a bad flick.

saw this and agree… its def more of a storytelling movie, as opposed to any kind of drama or suspense or like, wondering how they will get around a PROBLEM… instead we both know what happens in the end lol

The Day the Earth Stood Still - 3/10

i thought this movie was fucking boring, and i saw this on imax. it looks like it would be more action packed but fuck, i almost fell asleep several times!

and what is with Keanu Reeves being mister almighty?

the golden compass, since it was the only thing on HBO I have not seen a 1000 times. 6/10, kinda left me wanting to know more of the story, not enough Daniel Craig(no homo), and the part where the polar bear punched off the other bears jaw was cool.

Little Children 8.5/10

A pretty depressing dark drama with lots of Kate Winslet middle aged boneing scenes…

All in all it was a pretty decent flick but really makes me never wanna grow up lol.

To be honest I didn’t like it, I knew after the first 10 minutes what the plot and ending was going to be. It was a completely different movie than the trailers made it out to be, so I was quite upset with it.

But I’ll give it a 10/10 for having 50 Cent in it.

I hate you so much right now.