The latest Bailout plan

Is being asked for by 5 Democratic Governors for 41 states and the District of Colombia.

What a shock, all blue states. :lol:

Yeah well atleast we have good education! :roflpicard:

seriously… does anyone have any idea where all this money is coming from? or do they all just want the government to just dispense more cash?

this is it… were fucked…

:word: Government bailouts do nothing but ruin economies.

Just think, soon it’ll be all it’s good for.

But guess what…its not just blue states that are fucked. Yea they are going to pick democrat governors to talk to Obama and especially ones like Patrick (D-MA) since they know each other. Hell, Obama used some of Patrick’s speeches during the campaign.

NY is one of the big “oops” states. California will run out of money before GM…thats run by…ah…a Republican governor.

Point is its not about politics. Everyone is screwed.

Stop making sense. You mean that all these social programs, actually cost money? GTFOH.

there is No hope for this country without ron paul.

Read the article…

spend billions on iraq and repulicans consider it a worthwhile part of fighting for freedom (while they profit)

suggest spending similar money on our own country and oh dear!!! we can’t have that…

im sure there will be republicans supporting this too

Government bailouts DO NOT STIMULATE THE ECONOMY!!! Put it this way, if a company is going under and they ask for bailout money, that means they were running their buisness badly, which in turn means it goes under. Thats how it works. You dont give them money to stay in buisness so they can run things the same way and have the exact same problems again. Government bailouts are like one step closer to communism. FIX the problems, dont throw more and more money at them and hope they go away.

Don’t forget that these are loans…

Besides, the next bailout will be the steel industry. :hang:

this plan has to do with funding govt./state projects, schools, and stabilizing home loans to consumers etc… it’s not a business bailout… but you obviously don’t know much about it.

…its jeg what more do you expect from him.

The principals are the same!!! You track down and fix a problem, you do not keep throwing money at it hoping it goes away. Where do you think all this money will come from?

People talk about money like it’s a finite resource. Do a bit of reading. Our dollar is not tied to any precious metal or anything else tangible, not since Nixon. The value of our dollar basically comes from confidence in the American Government.


? They need to reform the system and cut the bullshit spending and pet projects. THAT will save countless billions. Not put everyone into more debt.