good justin you wanna ride with me? and we will meet newman up there?
id be down to take some cool pics if some one drives me and i’ll toss them a few bucks for gas
kev you can come with me if you want…
sweet so it might be you me and justin anyone else up for this?
did anyone call?
EDIT: 8:30-9:30
Me: Do you have an open workout tonight?
Her: Yes. It’s a cheerleading open workout…
Me: Cheerleading, eh…?
Her: (laugs) yes.
Me: Can anyone come… even us old kids?
Her: (laughs again) you sure can!
So expect non-legal teenage girls. LOLZ
haha ooo joy… its funny to see the little girls loooking at all of us… lol
but i wanna go tonight and keep at it
it starts to get expensive. Once i start consistently going again, I am going to see if i can get an “open workout membership” or something…
wtf cuban crisis vid
so are we going to be able to actually do anything without the cheerleader girls getting in the way?
yeah, probably. think how many little kids were there before…
I thought I saw Cuban Crisis too!
OMG HAWT. Should be there, still $8 for it or is it cheaper due to the short timeframe?
God I thought I saw Clark Kent in that vid…
so its 5 tonight? that works… well i know there will be alot of younger kids there again… but what i meant was because its a cheerleading open gym are they gonna take up all the mats just for that? so no foam pit?
i think it will be like normal.
ok thats fine… like i said im just gonna spend a good portion practicing that off the wall backflip anyways
deff wanna go!