The life of a spider

:LOL at the Crack spider!

My off-topic post from yesterday in the wrong forum.

LMAO… Building webs is for suckaz:B

lol this is jokes
when winter came marijuana spider had no place to live it ended up in the crack web as the crack spiders bitch…

but building webs are for suckas …as the crack spider says lol

bahaha that vid is awsome.
THC spider doesnt build a web it makes a hamic… sorta how i was last night just on a couch playing sega dreamcast/psone.

lol see what weed does to you! make you someones bitch, so the moral is go straight for the crack lmao

LMAOO wasent expecting that hahah…

Tell me about it… I initially found it and expected it to be somewhat scientific… needless to say, I had to clean up a bit after the crack-spider’s description… I was drinking at the time.:mad:

Glad you guys like it… Good random thread coming up tomorrow!