the little kid next door (movie)

maybe …just maybe…I dont need a big ass e-peen to look cool…I think i’m by that, a little more mature if you will :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m never nice :tup:

And you’ve got karma coming…

Dude… I don’t need, or have a big E cock to be an asshole.

My E cock is so small, I can have sex with a lower-case “o”.

Matter of fact, I do it on a nightly basis.

well then …wow…that makes you much cooler:gay2:

and jack…no offense to you…you weren’t an ass about it

My security level is too high for that putfile crap

won’t let me play quicktime crap

everyone just kinda cool off please

This is getting annoying, and my finger is on the trigger, and it’s semi automatic, so don’t expect just one to go when shit happens.

WOW lol the people who said its a waste of time sureeeeeee like to waste time by arguing .

If you didnt want to waste your precious time wouldnt it have been easier NOT to post a comment and then you post 10 more comments in an arguement? LMAO

This is telling us that you dont have time to watch a 44 second video clip but you have time to argue.

Dood has nice lettuce, I’m jealous.

I just saw it, that was cute

Now all i can thinking about is two guys pissing on that slide the night before…

What is the song that is playing? It’s pretty catchy.

Mayan Pilot by Splashdown

I liked the video, the drama in the post I can do without.

My entire post was sarcastic. I said waste of video, not time. My time is wasted every day.

I then asked how the shower went… again, not my style… and sarcastic.

Sorry if I confused any of you.

Word up, on the strength!!

While the video was seemingly uneventful (kids do these things daily), I can see that this was a special moment for the little guy. He’s learning that things are still there even when he can’t see them. Big stuff.

well said, pumice. :c )

little kids are funny…

didnt i see you doing the same thing just 2 days ago?

I can’t trust you with anything, can I?

Wow you two are still going at it lol…just like the good ol days in the ubrf

tell him to try that on a metal slide
cool tune who sings that
