I’ll continue the slide movie trend here and give you guys a movie I took this evening…
the kid next door was being a little daredevil.
I was about to take a shower when I looked out the bathroom window and saw him do it once… so I ran into my room to get my camera and was lucky enough to catch him doing his slide routine again.
If you had interpreted that, you could have understood that it wasn’t particularly entertaining to me, but I left it open for others to either enjoy, or not enjoy.
This was me, voicing my OPINION.
We’re all entitled to our own opinions.
Now, if I had said “That video sucks” That would also be voicing my opinion, in a very negative way.
Relax a little, christ.
Not EVERYONE that comments on your posts, will like what you have to say.
EDIT: Janny, you have seen first hand, other people post things, that YOU didn’t like, and you commented as well.
For example, Beckington’s tattoo thread.
He offered a thread, and he received good, and bad opinions.
So when Beck posts something and gets royally flamed people can share every opinion they have but if Jan posts something we’re all supposed to bow down and keep our comments to ourself?
I think not.
Like what was said many times before, it’s a public forum and people will say what they want. If you don’t like it then WAH.
I wasn’t asking for anyone to bow down, I just wanted a thread that didn’t have the two of you in it, lecturing and throwing backwards insults, but clearly that isn’t possible.
It’s just plain silly that I can’t just have a thread without the two of you starting shit.
Does it make your lives more exciting to pair up online? If you want to talk about the good of the forum nicole, how about this: no one is going to want to start threads if they know they’re going to be attacked all the time.
…and I’ll dare to say that this forum would be a much better place to chill if you both were banned. then maybe you both would actually spend some quality time together and become happy with yourselves.