the lot f/b page

it was me





lolz…muahahaha…shits funny

anyone post up the rule en espanol yet?


So is my shift518 facebook group, lol

Who are the assholes that litter the Mc D’s lot and the Kohls lot? I was gabbing food on Saturday morning at the Mc D’s around 4:00 AM before I was going hunting and there was shit everywhere.

Lot is gayness in the purest form. I would rather hang around a few good friends, and shoot the shit. Lot is PRs and cops scoping out cars.

yea… let me go on there and post my name and all my info… NOT!!!

The lot was popppppppin’ this weekend…

theres people saying the colonie police made the facebook page

lol, do you really think they would do that?

I joined the page when there was only ONE other fan, pretty obvious who made it :lol

Im just saying thats whats going around, so alot of people are deleting “liking” the facebook page

I dont know who that one fan was. why is this such a secret?

are retarts like sweet tarts?

ROFL grow up facebookers. I :lol at people that run their life from a facebook page.

If the cops even did create the page, and your stupid asses are posting self increminating shit on it its your own damn fault when the come knocking on the door.

who cares, the lot is on its way out… let it become the capital of riced out cars, then let the CPD clean house every weekend.

I made it im thinking about opening a PR food place and need names od people i can contact for work.:shifty

I’m not letting Facebook run my life. I also never posted anything in it but someone asked me about it and if got me wond