the lot f/b page

who is the retarted mastermind behind that page :Idiots

the fb page SUCKS…!/pages/The-Lot/115917705095015

for those not familiar with it

Just reported the page.

I asked that right on the page, and whoever it is just replied “who wants to know.” So I figured it wasnt anyone here.

Fuckin’ love the PR Fan flags… Jesus Christ, do those people still plague the lots playing their shitty circus music and bringing their entire extended family?

who the fuck are most of the people posting on it anyway? I recognize a few names but not most of them.

so fuckin lame. Buncha tools on there. I laugh everytime I take a peek at it.

Gotta be the stereo competition crowd or some of the high school kids because it sure isnt any of us here.


haha its def someone on here im not saying who :ninja

my official guess would have to be customlowz or whatever


its deffff 20wrx09

+1 :lol

SHIT now im gunna have to delete it now

nah keep it up, its somewhere to go when shift goes down

+1 or silveradofag, vvtcelica, or one of their associates.


:rofl it isnt meee

i kno its not lol

silveradoman is not smart enough to make the page, he’s out