The making of an E46

Truly, automation > design



i wish that was in english

where is their eye protection?

It’s in the international language of bad fucking ass

And eye protection is for pussies


Im workin at the Toyota plant in cambridge ontario right now for the summer. and seein this type of shit in action seriously is amazing at times. especially the weld shop. those robots are incredible.

toyota’s plant is alot nicer than the one in that video tho.

thats so awesome

i wish i understood german though

I would imagine the video is a few years old considering they don’t even make the E46 models anymore (that I’m aware of). All E90s now.

“Ahhh… My eyes!!! The goggles, they do nothing!”

roffle @ andy

that shit is incredible…

They’ve saved my pretty blue eyes a few times. :slight_smile:

But this is Germany–they can probably sue people for breathing there.


i like.

yeah, it’s an old video…but they still make the e46 M3, though production may be stopping right around now since the new e92 ///M3 is realeased in september.

I was just hanging around the BMW website lately and its funny that they still producing the older style E46, the facelift style and now the E90 (I thought it was E90 and not E92?)

e90 = sedan
e92 = coupe

the e46 being produced is techincally the “pre-facelifted” style.

Ah didn’t know that. Those crazy Germans.