The new addition to the family :P

they are so ugly…that they are cute :slight_smile: Pugs are cool!!!

true story

next person that talks shit about my pug will get a new custom title.

lol look at your lame threat. lame like your dog.

I’ll take the leap…

Pugs are way ugly. Actually 95% of small dogs are ugly.

But :tup: if you like your new dog.

Yeah sry but any dog that can be punted like a football does not count as a dog at all.


He reminds me of some of the crazy old guys in the nursing homes i work in. Don’t turn your back on him.


/Ron Burgandy

:krazyjon: accessing paypal account

:krazyjon: sending howie money

:krazyjon: :slight_smile:

lol @ your corny ass borg smiley

They look like aliens! I have 2 small dogs and they kick ASS!

this is all i see…


What’s that smell?

You will often notice stinky smells from both ends of your Pug, and this is normal for the most part. But occasionally, he will omit a stench so offensive, even he will be embarrassed by its presence. This smell has come to be known in our house as the dreadful “Fishy Butthole,” because it is what it sounds like. Apparently this disgustingly foul odor is caused by the Pug’s anal gland in need of “expressing.” As you can imagine, there is probably some nasty juicy liquid involved in this process and should be performed by a Groomer who is getting paid to do your dirty work. Be assured that there is nothing physically wrong with your Pug, but this issue will continue to haunt you if not dealt with regularly. Yes, regularly. This isn’t a one-time fix. Pugs need their anal glands expressed as often as they need to be groomed.

All dogs have anal glands. They usually get expressed when they shit. It’s common for pugs to need a little help. I’ve never had the pleasure, but I guess you basically just squeeze their asshole and brown juice squirts out. :ohnoes:


pugs fucking rule, don’t listen to the haters.

oh dude! thats nasty.


these dogs are so ugly

touch of the downs

cute dog

i will never own a dog with a squirty asshole

come on, im still waiting on all these new custom titles!