the new hottness

sign up it is worth it, i am telling you

no seats in the stadium yet, january 2001

good point we were trying to figure out when some of this was from


damn, thats pretty sweet

no live sattelite pics, no care. I want to stick my ass up in the air and take a picture of it from space.


i read your ass and the great wall only things visible on earth from space

whoa, thats the first one of those I’ve seen in color. Microsoft had a spy satellite system like that with pics from 96 that were much clearer (for my house at least). It was so clear you could see my dad’s 85 celebrity wagon in the driveway. I assume the high resolution images from this are major cities not bum fuck egypt. Still neat.

in that pic of the stadium it has to be newer than 01 , arent they working on that buildin in the picture right now?

weak. I was expecting better.


Here’s the the terraserver promo, don’t miss it!

“Current Promotion: Buy One 30 Day Subscription, get a free bag of delicious roasted peanuts. Ends October 31st.”

They must not know you can get your nuts roasted on Pittspeed 24/7…

:bowrofl: on pittspeed or @ teh garage…

No doubt you can get em roasted either place. The garage, however, is more convincing when you’ve got 300# dudes picking up the VWs down there… :nuts: