The New Silvia is.......

looks cool, but shouldnt be called a silvia

really dont like it that much… just how it looks and i think the rims are ugly as shit

Wow an AWD Prius!!! :rolljerk:

word to that…


S15 was such a beautifull car, then this? :gtfo:

I’d rock it… then when I get home I’d park it by my vibe.

no really though, I would drive one if they could compete with the 4door AWD cars we have now.

I rock it

lol turbo AWD?

look at the car I drive now! I’m not looking for looks… haha


Were you going to type something or just posting the pics again?

looks like it conforms to european passenger crash regs… :roll:

the old ones were beautiful, this… is not so. :shrug: w/e, I’m sure before long we’ll see 127623827 bhp monster vids.

I like it.

S15 > that. But it doesn’t look too bad.

I am guessing the engine is horizontally mounted. If so why not call it a GTi-R? They have been making AWD turbo fours since the late 80’s, all based on a FWD platform.

In any case not really interested unless …

And still I would rather see a 2,500 lb FWD SE-R.

Just demonstrating that it looks very toyota-like. You can see the pics of the sienna and the solara right?

Maybe a nice DD when it comes here (if). Like Dan said I think the styling will grow on me.


unfortunately no…

Thanks for the explaination though… I’ll have to check it out again when i get home.

turbo awd :tup:…the body needs some work…looks like the eclipse and a g6 had sex and this is the result

i’ve to say that nissan’s new design is much better that other companies’s future cars…


but i can’t wait to see how insanely huge the performance part market for this thing gets, and how fast it does so…