The Nisky lot thread.

A friend of mine lives across from that lot and is royally pissed off at the bullshit they pull over there. Has walked over and called cops many times. He also knows the land owners and they are not happy with the kids either.

Chris the kid that started the page wants me to PC some parts for him, and his brother wants me to do a set of wheels at some point. Chris asked if I would mind him putting my banner on the page for a bit, like he did for Synapse. I cant turn down free advertising.

CRC is not affiliated at all with Nisky Lot. I promote my stuff there the same I would anywhere else. If ya got money and need something done, bring it on. I could care less if they ricer out every night in the freezing cold drinking twisted teas… dont bring it to my shop and dont let those actions represent my work.