Nisky Lot replacement

We could consider Albany Speed Shop, once a month / 4 times a summer or something like that. Just an option, The “lot(s)” have changed 100 times in my days. Hard to stop it. Its too bad though.

Yea burn outs in gravel are AWESOME… lol

And give voorheesville police something to do nice


I would love a replacement option. Have never been and will never go to the “Nisky Lot”. Out for gravel parking lot though.

I’m getting to old to hang out in parking lots…but, I’m going to give it one more summer before I give up.

this… or the cars just suck… I went last week after I went to dinner and I just felt like a total looser… I was legit embaressed to be there lol… idk if its because im getting too old or because the lot is filled with a 70/30% ratio of dumbass faggots in shitty primered civics/subarus revving out first gear so others hear there exhaust… Talked to hybrid theory who had 1 of the actual nice cars for like 10 min and then left lol

I won’t go to the Nisky lot. It’s a fucking clown convention. I heard they get booted by cops every night anyways.

Rather just go on a nice cruise with some buds around the 518.


Titties, wings and large enough parking lots!

Can’t get better than that. Park you car and go inside and stare at tits.

Why not a monthly “cars and coffee” like they do in the south, just at night instead?

Cars and coffee would be sick on Sunday mornings at Starbucks on wolf across from colonie center.

I’m liking that idea! Once a month at approved private locations.
Build a schedule have permissions. They won’t get worn out so fast…

I’m actually currently working on a “Cars and Caffeine” event that will run monthly in the spring/summer/fall months for the local area. It will be held from 8am-11am the first Saturday of the month. Just a very informal event for car guys to gather. No riff raff will be allowed, more adult crowd hopefully.

It will be held on at a Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks. I’m working with both options.

I will be looking for sponsors as I will be creating flyers etc.

Putting it on your own property and assuming you can police it how you see fit is 100% going to turn into babysitting. It won’t be a means of preventing the negativity; it will only be giving you one leg up for dealing with repercussions. You can’t and won’t change stupidity and immaturity. If you try to straighten them out when it’s needed, they won’t say “I am sorry I will leave”… it seems too many young kids now a days feel they are never wrong. They will do exactly what they did this weekend, run right back to their computers and iPhones and shit talk the people that set them straight. Just something to consider.

In my opinion anyone behind these lot ideas need to focus on prevention, not remediation. I am not talking “rules” either. Remove the “cool guy” factor from rolling in on the limiter stereo maxed out. Go to guptills, there are always cars and car people there, with FAR less drama. Why??? Because the cool kid factor is taken out, even though the retards are still going to be retarded it’s such a family atmosphere they seem to second guess their decisions. Lots of people are outside standing around, in the open, mix group of people… the odds of looking “cool” to a few fellow retards is far less and the odds of looking like a douchbag are far more… so that last shred of sensibility they seem to actually use. Corralling a bunch of “questionable” patrons (more like loiterers) to an off the beaten path, more or less in the woods, small ground of commonly focused people is just going to feed the idea that they can get away with and fit in their button pushing. They will be far too comfortable amongst there would be peers and feel it might be OK to step on the line of what they probably shouldn’t be doing. 100% guarantee that as they leave, everyone will be right foot buried at midnight pissing off your neighbors.

Furthermore, arraigning it on set dates and schedules is just a g2g now… not a “mehh I got nothing going on this fine evening, lets got for a ride and see if anyone else is out” concept of what the “lots” were really about. Which will turn into needing advertisement for attendance. (not a huh there are 20 sweet cars over at XXXXXX’s parking lot maybe I’ll swing over and introduce myself)

Someone needs to buy a food truck consisting of a deep fryer a freezer and coffee makers. The hitch will have to have a stripper pole that can attach to it. Wings coffee and boobs in a mobile option that goes wherever the lot is. He’ll it can even bomb around on cruises and have wings hot and ready at pit stops. When the strippers aren’t dancing they are making food.

I LOL’d.


And HOLY SHIT KK, how do you even have time to write all of that lol. I think I read the first word…

I didn’t even read the first word. Literally just skipped over the whole thing. :rofl

thats a great idea man. im glad somebody took the initiative to do this. ill be looking foward to these events in the future.