The Nissan Skyline GT-R Story

Most of you have probably seen this, but it’s worth watching if you haven’t.

Right-Click / Save-As


PM me for the password to this! We shouldn’t have it in the public eye. For those who downloaded The Electric Car movie, the password is the same.

Although, as you say John, this is old and most people have seen it already, it is still a great little movie that I always enjoy. Especially the tunnel scene when the camera car gets “blown about 1m sideways”.

Hah, that part is rediculous

The camera car is doing 90mph (prob about 145klm/h) and this skyline flies by and the car is thrown all over the damn place, they were doing over 200mph (320+klm/h)

btw, This movie is about 700MB and theres already been 50GB worth of downloads, 1 reply? COME ON PEOPLE tell us what you think :slight_smile:

also, I might be re-posting this, I’ve had a lot of people saying ‘thanks that was great’ sort of thing in PM but also 3 or 4 people have told me now that it was corrupt when they downloaded it.

I’m downloading it myself right now, if its corrupt i’ll re-upload it just to be safe, if it’s not I’m going to have to assume that it is corrupting during peoples download and that’s your own problem, re-download it :slight_smile: I’ll post here with an update on this in about 30 minutes when its done downloading ( I [heart] cogeco )

Haha John, you are too committed! We are not worthy!

Anyways, Still not working on my end!

Yea it was corrupt for me as well.

x3 for the corrupt file.


is the avi truncated or the zip bad?

avifixp can rebuild avi indexes and sometimes you can also repair zips…

^^ It was the .zip but VLC Player plays it just fine if anyone wants to go that route.

Regardless, I uploaded a new working copy, I tested it myself so it’s all good this time for sure! Same password.

Sorry about this guys, I dunno what happened.

Mine wasn’t corrupt… The diagnostic error i got was that the password was incorect, but i triple checked that it was right, and nothing.

Im downloading again now, hope it works :slight_smile:

Ok, downloaded last night again John and it worked, thanks man!

yea mine was corrupt as well, i tried winzip and winrar

New d/l works great.
Awesome video.

anyone know what the pw is for this?

Thanks for hosting John, A+ video, reccomended for those who want to know more about the infamous Nissan Skyline.

PM John for the password.

did anyone else get a corrupt download? any way to avoid this? perhaps use IE as opposed to Firefox.

I used firefox and it was fine.

John it seems to maybe be corrupting after every x number of downloads, perhaps create a limit on the file per day or some sort of limit.

Either way, it was a GREAT video, i really enjoyed it. I learned alot about the Attessa system which was a big plus ontop of the sickwickedcool cars!