The object to your left

pair of dumbbells, Foot stool/rest.

Window…later fagz!
Nah but ive also got a 2’, 3 sided ruler

A trebuchet


pics or ban!

A window, on the other side, fat people that i know i can outrun…i think i am safe for a few minutes… :rofl


I’ll be waiting…

Filing cabinet.

yea im with caz all i got is a blanket

Random dude’s Sentra SE-R, looks like a piece of yellow shit.

computer chair complete with desk, monitor and tower attached to the back


My E-ciggy

Some phones

and a wall

my colt 1911 …win!!!

Luckily for me, it’s a sword.

a fully stocked bar… I’m at work… I may die but I won’t feel a thing lol

glass plate

Ditto on sittin on the shitter, I’ve got a roll of TP and and a coffee maker…

coffee maker, cigs, and a lighter. meh