The object to your left

XB360, textbooks, and a beer at the moment.


Your pretty much fucked pal…

Anyone who is in a hotel

beer mug, car/truck keys, tactical flashlight, and another 10’ to my left is my gun cabinet mmmerrrrr

Me! Granted I’m in a hotel in Tenessee but that’s beside the point.


black guy swearing at the computer and getting extremely angry over everything. i think ill be good

edit: i think he might forget about the zombies and just kill the tool about 10 feet more to the left doing pushups off a table in his hollister shirt while wearing sunglasses, inside a computer lab.

First thing I thought was “please tell me he’s in a hotel”.

Three annoying ugly white chicks.

Totally fucked.

flexi mini dog leash, a plant “cordatum philodendron” or phill for short , cell phone, and aqua+ tap water conditioner for a fish tank. Im set, or fuc**d

oh yeah, game over for your ass.
are they at least good- nevermind you said theyre ugly, so now you just die unhappy and quickly

keys for the VW Passat (turbz=cant catch me bitches), wallet for hooker payment, 1X1X4" solid 304 stainless steel billet, tissues for fapping, rockstar flat brim for pimpin 17yr hoes.

Best post in thread as usual, Mike.

Birthday Card…guess I’ll be joining the zombie ranks as well.