The Official: 40,001 Random posts thread

Edit: I think we should make this into a contest, with a prize
the person who is the 40,001 post gets a prize. Meaning this post dosent count.

Id say make the first prize a custom title, maybe the mods can pick some other prizes, its up to them.

I’m surprised this forum dosent have this yett.

Basically post anything you want in this thread, lets keep it work safe.
But anything, if your pissed come in here and vent, if your happy celebrate, if your bored post just to post.
This will probably clean up offtopic a bit aswell, If the mods dont like this idea, lock it up.

You’re a fucking piece of shit, and should die.

There. My rant.

haha I love you too dawn.


theres already a good start!

I have been trying for weeks, but this massive shit i have on deck just wont come out. I want to consult my physician but im almost embarrassed. What do i do???

Stick your finger in your ass…work it around…add other fingers until you can get your whole fist in…reach up in and pull the shit out.



Ive already tried that and i just dont have the reach… I may need some assistance :shithitfan::roll2:

Well dont ask JustKarter…his fat arms couldnt fit up there.

Maybe he could bear hug it out of me

Do I look like Mike Rowe to you? I’m not intrested in a dirty job.

My reccomendation is to eat an entire box of turbolax then go over to 2turboz’s house to watch sports.

Turbolax… what trim?

No…Mike Rowe is handsome and works out…you are fat and fatter.

Why would he come here to watch sports? It makes no sense.

Because u get angry when u watch sports, and he will shit himself in fear

Ahhh…this is true.

Good Call ^5

lol Well I said posrts to give him a reason to be at your house when he drops a weeks worth of shit in your toilet and you have to plunge it. But deebo had a point aswell.

If its all liquid after some turbolax there wont be anything to gum up the pipes.


:run: :run: :run: :run: :run: AyeAyeAye :run: :run: :run: :run: :run: