Yah wow, that really went crazy. And a car club doesnt need to be fast, fancy cars, all the same kind of brand etc. You all need to stop talking shit to each other and also starting it. Saying “come say it to my face” is getting really old and really doesnt help anything. Be the bigger man and be mature enough to respect others opinions and if someone doesnt like you or your club, then they dont have to talk to you or go cruising with you.
ehhhh we are all canadian right? if not we all like cars right? if not then shiz i am talking to the wrong crowd,but i think we are all kool and bored and just need something to release our aggressions on because there is snow and no summertime fun.message boards are not the place.go and vandalize something or… something lol laujik said it all when he said "be mature enough to respect others opinions "and we should all show eachother some common courtesy and take part in that mentallity!
there’s no snow on the group yet, and its cold cold cold air, nows the best time to drive your car…
ooo my bad it snowed about 2 maybe 3 feet here in the last day hence the name “whitecourt”
I think I once had a bit of a beef with Bora (flamed me on my 1st post haha), but then I realized he just talks shite without being too serious about it… its all good.
its so easy to misread someone when you’re reading their words and have no idea what tone they are taking, and just assume.
yeah emotions would be really nice there would probly be way less drama if we had some emotions…a million more emoticons to help us out :axe:
damn,. i think i drank too much
but fucking aye good times
Are we still doing beefs with this site?
In the last couple of months this site has really started to turn into a new 780 tuner site which really sucks. This site has really gotten away from being a NISSAN ENTHUSIASTS CLUB. And I have stopped reading most of the post on this site because they all turn into flame wars.
I guess I will start posting more on NICO now.
Haha, must be doing something right if someone we don’t even know needs to make mention of us and how we are the gayest shit around.
I don’t even know who you are or why you are talking about us, but nonetheless, go :finga: yourself.
this thread is gay
Werd. The end.