The Official Callout/Kill Thread

hmm, well i’ll let you know when i do run… won’t be till probably june-julyish

how come pete?

ive got the cooler cart…just means a tad more spray to compensate for the extra fuel…cud be an interesting 60 foot on motor

i need to buy 600$ worth of tires and with a dead tdi to deal with now LOL

Wow… I’m gonna have 800ft/lbs of torque that might be fun in the 1/8.

hey thanx for the neg rep you DORK right back at you…im really worried…:bowdown:bowdown

all these callout bullshit for a fucking sled. fuckkkkkkkk. What a waste of a night.

dork?? :rofl…,wow…we are online call me something like dickhead or fatass or something…i mean shit, is that hte best you could come up with??? bring your dumpy ride to the track and we’ll see whose faster( although i already know)

be careful watch for a neg rep too now…lol

c’mon it gave you something to do besides look at the cp thread an wack off:hug

ohh i repped him thats for sure…hope he says what my comment was

wow dude let me guess im gonna waste precious c16 on your pos quad…:wow:wow

lol I have a good looking fiance. No whacking off to imaginary girls here.

nahh id run u on motor on pumop just to make u look like an asshat that you are

aww fuck it every guy needs to wack one off every once and again

hahhha are you serious??? do you even know what i drive?

i cud give a fuck what you drive:number1

hey i think you are on a car forum …lolll

there are quad forums or sled forums of some sort …but when you get a car come back on and well talk till then enjoy your…

its a call out kill thread hold on lemme call you out…anything rolls…last time i checked we had bikes on this forum too…

i got a schwinn does that count???