The Official Callout/Kill Thread

Brett watch what u say…according to people here bikes shouldn’t lol


im staying out of that…

Smokinnnnn, callin ya out for a 40 roll, motor to motor. Gimme like 2 weeks!

oh shit real talk

Bout time :lol

I want in too… Give me a month.

Youre gonna smoke me in this car, but Ill play!

sure. I will tell you I will be on motor but you might want to check my bottle first before anything even happens…

im sneaky like that. I will 1xx your ass.

run what ya brung! None of this “on motor” shiottt. If the bottles full, it needs to be emptied!

Super-bitch move spraying a stock car, but if it helps ya sleep at night!! :lol

if its a 2011 5.0, I agree to a motor vs motor.

anything else, im emptying a bottle on you, because I have been in the car scene for a few years now and have NEVER had a chance to line them up with ya…

your bottle heather doesnt heat up my bottle anyways LOL

wow no holds bars racing. I WILL RUN NOS ANYWAYS

You should beat me on motor anyways, just wanna get a fun run off, its been awhile!!

adam what ya racin with bro!??!?

His bull shit hopes and dreams which are slower then my gold fish

tell me the car your getting and i will let ya know if I will beat ya or not without even lining them up!

*****'s a snake

stfu PETE!

