The Official Callout/Kill Thread

SSSSSSSSSS/Branny from 40 rollZ, all in good fun.

wont happen. Im only a low power “dumbestic big body heavy weight”

20 would be better :wink:

In negotiation stage on a 2012 5.0. Hoping the numbers work out, I want this thing bad!!

^ Slower than my shitbox, and it will never see the light of day again.

now your all about the 20 rolls… haaaaaaaaaaaa

did you forget that he has an evo?

what color? I might need to take a Jelousy shit on your hood if you get it BTW

I was talking about brian…

and me and travis will set something up on our own time… dont worry :wink:

I was always about 20 rolls since Im full strung out around 130 now…traction was keeping me from doing them.

great, can’t wait for you to see his taillights :slight_smile:

He has once, but it was just for giggles with him off bottle. I think it’ll be a good race with him spraying and me on low b00st

Why are you bench racing for me in every thread? You don’t want to run him yourself?

:rofl wut.

If you say so dude. :thumbup

racing a supra from a 20 hit is pretty stupid if you ask me haha

No, foolio…see the title of the thread? I wanna run both of you…

Dude BADASS!!! Good luck man I hope you snag it! I wanna run with the cobra if you get it. Even if you dont wanna run, i gotta ride / drive it bro. I was just checking out that '11 GT500 @ Metro on sunday… FML.

Not really, not much traction before 40-60mph anyways. Just spin spin spin

Are you gunna race it stock? the 5.0 mustang?

Travis, you’re gonna be KOTS with smokin this year.

hold on…im buying a fully built car for this. hooooolllldddd ooooonnnnn. ok got it. 1100awhp skyline. ok cool where were we???

im buying a new z06 and sending it to redline asap

this^ they tuned up my lsx supra too