The Official Callout/Kill Thread

I swear these last like 6 posts in order i have seen the same exact same posts in this order on here before. Seeerriioouussss dejavu big time creeped out.

My head hurts.

Can you not mod the 5.0 please?

:rofl I wont for a little bit, unless tintz will make me faster lol

or the 5k turbo kit :shifty

where you getting it tinted? get me a quote wherever you go. I am getting tint soon

Prob gonna go back to Tint King, they are a bit pricey, but the work is top notch imo. It was $250 for the focus, Id imagine it’d be cheaper for the mustang.

i got the vw and old civic done at tint king shit was mint but moneyy . I wanted the hatch done but just dont need attention

Im def going light with the tint, thinking 35% at the darkest, I didnt like the 20% on the Focus that much. I wish there was something between 35 and 50 though…

20% is to much. I need to do 35% on my front. Theres 5 on back sides.

I’ll call out PJB’s truck in my miata. If that doesn’t get him motivated to get the rustang out then nothing will.

Give you 500 bucks for it Paul. :lol

Make it 750 since it’s you’re birthday.

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl.

Using the wrong form of “your” ftl. I had just woke up when I wrote it and now you’ve gone and quoted me. :le sigh:

While you are racing trucks in the Miata…I’ll come out on Fri. if you want to have someone to race:thumbup

I’ll be in Nashville friday BRAH.

No way I’m racing that thing anyways haha. It’ll be almost as bad as me trying to keep up with the audi 200, camaro, and 5.0 friday.

I was just kidding…I wouldn’t roll race anyway. Everyone like to go from a roll and that is definitely not my 5000lb elephants speciality. The only thing this thing is good for is 0-60 digs anyway!

Really want to go test drive a new 5.0

Ill race the Miata in my truck

If you do, come by my house, I need to swap a wheel!! :lol

Srs tho.

i like the way you think