Hes eating vtec
Nick from a 55 roll to 90
clearly hes just hungry right? i mean i understood it
It says I8URVTEC… in real terms I guess it would mean “I ate your vtec.” I guess what Im trying to say is that my car is gonna go around and mop up all these mickey mouse hondas that are rolling around. I really want to be KOTS.
oh geesh
Here we go
rofl:rofl:rofl ^^^
your really going to keep dragging it on and talking shit aren’t ya?
How am I shit talking?
who’s nick? you gotta use their username lol
mocking me and my actions = shit talking.
So Im not allowed to want to be KOTS?
smokin what do you think ull trap on a 150 shot?
way slower then you lol
no idea. People running the same setup as me are going as low as 129mph and as high as 136. No idea until I get there. Every car is different. Honestly if I get 130mph +, I will be stoked.
So it should be 10’s capable?
it “could be” 10’s capable on a perfect run on a 100 shot.
Will I be able to get into the 10’s? highly doubt it.
Cant wait for 10’s NA
New motor should put you there?
The record is 10.8x for a 6.1L and he did it at 3400 lbs with driver and trapped only 123. Im 3 mph off that with a 5.7 at 4000 lbs. Ive figured out what seems to make these motors work really well and with the 6.1 at 13:1 on E85 it should paas the record within a few passes.