Calling out germanpsi 60 roll pump gas street tires.
do ittttttt
burnoutfest anyone?
im down for some burnouts
Do it tonight
hes at his base
Hes a pussy
your a pussy psi2low
Looks whos talking cameo
ill race anyone
Im down
done, ill meet you at 930 at the ave
So you guys are really going out? Its fucking cold out.
No me and Paul are not going to race. His Maxima will smoke my civic. No need to run em.
Oh, ok. I went out last weekend and it was just me and my friend that rode with me and one other guy out. No racing and a million cops around.
Sucked staying out late and having to get up for work on Saturday, especially with the headache I got from the wind.
BTW both of your cars will smoke my truck and I dont feel like going and getting my shitpile.
headache from the wind? why would you get a headache from wind?
No idea but I get that sometimes if Im out in the wind. One of the reasons I hate riding in convertibles too.
thats suprising seein as ya have a costant breeze between the ears:lol
maybe the turbulent forces acting upon each other cause the headaches then?