THE OFFICIAL Darwin Thread.

ugg last video sucked


want to see the worst video ever?

best part 7:10 in when the kid randomly sings kanye west/keeps calling shit ganster


No more video posting for you.


No more video posting for you.


i clearly said it was the worst video ever, yet you still watched it.

last year we bought all kinds of aerosal cans to throw in the fire up at my campground. But we put a metal grate over the fire so when the cans exploded it stayed in the fire. and we also stood pretty far back and with something blocking us incase something did fly out. I recorded them on my cell phone. there were some pretty cool explosions

And darwin gets another notch on his belt.

A 48 year old “battle dancing” in a parking lot attempts a flip, lands on his head and dies.

awesome…keep them coming. :slight_smile:

(October, 1999) A 49-year-old San Francisco stockbroker, who “totally zoned out when he ran,” according to his wife, accidentally jogged off a 200-foot-high cliff on his daily run.



LOL holy shit




:lol: x 11TBillion