The Official Friday Night Highbridge Meet/Meat Thread

please god no

ya know ya want to

Pretty sure we’re the only people to ever have our pants/shirts off at PNR in ~45 degree weather lol

true that

so is anyone going tomm nite???its gonna be a cold one for sure but the owner lets us chill inside

I might try and swing by with my female counterpart if people are chilling and we don’t find something better to do. I scored road dome last friday so I definitely need to go somewhere with her tomorrow in hopes of a repeat performance.

nice …i can assume that adam will be out and a few others…is shifts big bear going to be attending??

me and the mountain man will be swinging by around 11:45

Moutain man?

jeff. Eatonyoualive

Im assuming P&R at that time since the ice cream place will be closed by then and nobody likes to stay in one good place for any length of time for some reason anyway

nope. I already talked to the owner about ittttt. I will be swinging by highbridge around 11:45 PJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB

you coming out pjb?

Ill probably be out. Seems like people like to leave there around 10-11 and then drive around aimlessly to random parking lots. We were there, then McShithole where we were obviously not wanted by the scumbags that run that dump, then to P&R and then Taco Smell on Wolf road.

i meant like coming out of the closet, but i guess that’lll do

no, I wont be your boyfriend

dammit…now who am i gonna harass the goats with?

Im sure theres several willing hillbillies out in your area

Sucks tomorrow is going to be the nicest day of the week but still 35 degrees.

I may stop down … may bring some honda buddies along