The OFFICIAL Gun Thread.

how much are the 92’s going for these days. i got a mint one i might want to move.

Merry Christmas!

With love,

Wants $500 for these…

Cossey:killerbb: Adam: Thoughts???

:rofl amen

Never heard of an HK 92.

Decided to do an inventory of the firearms in my parents house.

4 Pistols
3 shotguns
6 Rifles
13 total.

I did not know my parents were packing that much heat :rofl

Makes me feel unworthy that all I have is my .22 marlin and yugo sks. Need to buy more!

8 rilfles
6 shotguns
3 muzzeloaders
No pistols.

I had about 15 or so, but that tragic boating accident took them all away from me.

4 ASSAULT rifles
1 shotgun

Last I checked I had 15 pistols… Not sure on long guns.

Dad had over 100 between rifles ,shotguns and handguns "or handcannons lol " he had a huge large caliber fetish lol . Unf my uncle is being a piece of shit and refuses to give me what is mine , so all I have is 5 shotguns ,8 rifles , 2 bows ,no handguns thanks to myself being branded lol

Insurance fraud ftw

Only if he claimed it.

Nope. For some reason the company don’t understand how the boat capsized. I told them the truth: I was catching a shark and because of high tide, it put too much stress on the boat and it sank. Damn Mohawk River.


Just ordered TWO stripped lowers at 110 shipped EACH from Orders are by phone ONLY and you will need to call REPEATEDLY to get through. I have called about 15-20 times, it will ring sometimes and no one will answer. Be persistent and you’ll get through. Lady is very nice, they have quite a few lowers left. No parts kits at all.

JUST CALLED 21 TIMES, lol. Still trying.

Just keep trying dude she is there and she will answer eventually. This info is posted on a few national forums unfortunately so I am sure she’s being swamped by people from all over lol.


It’s a civilian / legal semi auto MP5.

My Father had one and regrets letting it go to this day. Last I knew the were getting 4k for them.

EDIT: Nevermind, just called my Father. It was an HK 94. 92 Never existed he says…

I’ll go back to keeping my mouth shut lol

Keep in mind if you can’t get one from anywhere else allstar tactical will have billet lowers coming. The preorder is supposed to be announced today, keep an eye on their FB page.