Can someone PLEASE post the .gif where Michael is eating popcorn from the Thriller Video???

it has now^^^


yeah but shit doesn’t always happen on the same day. ed’s death is close enough to say that mike is the 3rd, if he is in fact dead.

butt sex …he did it with boys …look what it did

Yea, hooray, little kid & plastic surgery jokes! Cause, you know, he never did ANYTHING else that greatly influenced GLOBAL CULTURE or anything.

LOL at you noticing the date & time, yet NOT noticing

RIP king of pop

real sad

come on. show some respect.

Lmao… great play off your other thread :clap:

lol :highfive:

fuck respect…all the shit he did and got off b/c he could dance and hold his balls…im pissed that he will be made bigger with this death then the fucking boys fighting for you to live free…fuck I bet he will get bigger funeral than most persidents

take your respect and eat it

you know he paid that little boys family 20 million

That makes it right? some guy touches your kids.As long has he gives you 20 mil its cool?


He was the man… In the 1980’s.

I can’t say I agree with his life ‘post-black’, but RIP none the less.

Rip, at least the funeral director dosent have to do his makeup.

so anybody have a source that says hes officially dead?

aside from OMG. Yahoo.

as much as i’d like to believe what TMZ has to say about him being dead, i think ill wait until CNN confirms it

LA Times confirmed it.

There ya go Willy…lol

You know what, nyspeed is the only place I have heard this so far… hrmmm

cbs just confimed