The Official Nargila/Shisha/Hookah Thread

yeah ill stick wiht my chronic

^^thanks for the FAQ. …

5.shisha is not as bad a ciggs because it doesnt contain cyanide and all those other chemicals that are put in cigarettes
6. shisha is legal…marijuana isnt
10. for ppl who dont smoke cigs or marijuana wont likely feel a high…but for ppl like me(who doesnt smoke) i get a little buzz

??? LOL???
i lost you on that one…hahaha

lol i get a buzz from shisha cuz i dont smoke(cigs or weed)…but ppl who smoke cigs and weed all the time…probably wont feel the effects of shisha

^^ LOL that’s what i though you ment …haahha :wink:

lol good thing we’re on the same page now

you get light-headed from the deprevation of oxygen in your brain, that’s what causes the light-headedness. whereas, someone who smokes on a regular basis has become accustomed to the feeling and it has no impact.

shisha is like 90% fruit and 10% tobacco, its not bad for you because it is too inconvenient to smoke on a regular basis, there is like 10 minutes of set-up time, it is relaxing and its a good social tool for chilling out with friends and having something to do when you’re bored. the coal is worse for you then the tobacco.

the only thing better then smoking shisha is smoking shisha and eating humus and drinking smoothies

rofli remember when i first tired humus i was like WHERED THE MEAT GO

and to do that…u go to aladdin’s “juice bar” in mississauga…i dunno wat its like in the place in richmond or where it is

the other one is at warden and lawrence

mmmmm falafel with hummus …yum yum

replace humus with a shawarma and you got yourself a deal.

roll call for the shisha crew for saturday night after SG? i’ll try and figure out a spot to set up

YES SHWARMA! one of these days this summer we will have an aladin’s shisha meet… with shwarma and juice instead of KBBQ.

Good god… if its cooked by someone’s mom, I’m there 100%… my childhood (meh, few years ago) flashes before me… :stuck_out_tongue:

i dont understand… so you like shwarma?

Nargila tobacco is not 90% fruit and 10% tobacco…it’s 100% tobacco and
it’s dipped into flavored syrup.

Whatever those guys sell there is not even a shawarma…go to ME VA ME on
Hilda and steeles…they sell shawarma the way it should be.