Anyone smoke the Hookah?

Just seein if anyone on here was a hookah smoker, me and my buddy got two flavors were not crazy about we’d like to try to get some money back for. Also just seeing if anyone has any good recommendations for flavors, we’ve been sticking with the cherry. But not fans of the cola or on the beach we got from Aladdin’s market…

cherry FTW

thats actually the only kind I really like

theres a hookah place in henrietta i wanna try it out.

two apples… I have one for sale do a search fs: or search 4doorbabe

double apple with a splash of gin in the water.

been on a hookah kick for 10 years. :slight_smile:

cherry is the shit only good one we both like so far

whats the place on henrietta called?

sounds pretty good, the dude at Aladdin’s Market was telling us some stuff try try putting in the base. Ten years is a long time dam lol I just started maybe like a month ago getting into it. Never thought Id smoke anything but def enjoy this.

My “2nd family” as a kid was of Middle Eastern decent. I pretty much lived in that house growing up. I was 14 my first time. They just imported a custom, handmade hookah from Jordan for me. :smiley:

Thats pretty sweet. Probably gunna be a bad ass hookah no mass produce bs thats shipped to us lol. Were suppose to be getting some good shit soon from somewhere over there my friends friends sister is over there now and she’s gunna bring us back like six different flavors.

Yea double apple ftw

ive heard that alot and my friend has been pushing that one too im gunna have to get it just not a fan of apples so i was leary

if you havnt tried it yet def get mint its super refreshing,

i love double apple, or ive been smoking pomegranate alot lately

Will do, same with the pomegranate, we almost got that too. Got three flavors to get now, Im glad im getting feedback on good flavors so we dont have another mishap like the last two dam times, much app’d.

invest in a cobra head hose if you dont have one either…i love mine

the other thing we want, my buddy was gunna get one but he stuck with the hose the hookah he bought came with cuz the cobra head one was too heavy or something but those are sweet Ill get one in the near future, just got a stupid 10 made in china thing so im probably inhaling lead…

lol its all good…

and if you get really serious def get a ice chamber as well

Never heard of it, Ill def check it out. Does that have a different effect or anything as putting ice water in the base?

pretty much the same thing except this cools the chamber and stem down alot more than ice in the base…

i usually put ice in the base but i hate when it starts to melt and you have to much water then

o last thing to get lol…def get a diffuser…it makes the smoke so much better

Ahh I see, got a lot to report to my buddy here. So ice chamber and diffuser along with 3 actually good flavors, I can see this will turn into another costly habbit lol.