The Official Nargila/Shisha/Hookah Thread

i went to this nice shawarma place but i forgot where it was… lmao it was the bomb diggity

there is no “way it should be” when it comes to shwarma. u can get israeli shwarma, lebanese shwarma, the whole little middle east of toronto sells that shit!

and i was told by countless persians and by a hookah shop owner in bahrain that the tobacco i smoke is chopped up fruit and tobacco mixed together.

Shwarma prepared and served by a stay-at-home egyptian mother > all ‘establishments’. :wink:

Btw, hanzz, pm me your pocket pc details?..


The fad grows…

You guys seem to already know all my favorite activities / spots (i.e. ME VA ME).

After SG if people are interested, my driveway can be used, i doubt we will fit in my garage, but I’ve got plenty of tobacco and too many nargila’s.

Just to clarify:

Shesha - Arabic word for the TOBACCO.
Nargila - Hebrew / Israeli term for the ‘bong’.
Hookah - Arabic word for the ‘bong’.

  1. What Is Shisha?

  2. Can Shisha Cause Lung Cancer?

  3. How bad is shisha?

  4. Tobacco is bad, Why should i try it?

  5. What is the difference between Shisha And Ciggerettes?

  6. What is the difference between Shisha and Canibus?

  7. Can Shisha Cause 2nd hand cancer?

  8. What flavours does shisha come in?

  9. Can shisha make women more visibly attractive?

  10. Do you get high off of Shisha?

  11. I already answered it. Flavoured tobacco smoked for enjoyment and flavour. It is 100% tobbacco dipped in MOLASSES and not Syrup just FYI.

  12. Anything you smoke can cause lung cancer. But there is no reputable scientific evidence of it doing so.

  13. Anything you smoke is ‘not good’ for you. Much better than ciggs, and equal to the harmful effects of MJ imo. BTW some people (maybe including myself) have used the nargila for MJ by just sticking some nugs in the mix there, and it works super.

  14. If you have that attitude then don’t. But you’ll never be popular :stuck_out_tongue:

  15. Ohhhh, about 2000 or so chemicals and government regulations.

  16. One is a drug.

  17. Don’t ask such stupid questions lol.

  18. All the flavours of the rainbow. But ONLY buy fruit flavours (i.e. - melon, apple, cherry, banana, mango, peach, mint, etc…)

  19. Women, no. Men, yes.

  20. Casual or regular smokers of nargila or cigarettes will usually not feel a buzz of a head rush from lack of oxygen to the brain. No impaired judgment of any kind is to be had. The head rush is very relaxing and nice if you are not a smoker. Also, inhilation is not mandatory for this. It isn’t even encouraged. It’s a ritual done for flavourful purposes and therefor only needs to be puffed on like a cigar (however don’t smoke it like a cigar, you’ll be running the risk of being called a fag).

I have alot of experience with these things. I’ve been smoking it personally for around 4-5 years I believe now, and I’m only 17. Not good IMO, but oh well lol.

If you’re looking for some nargilas, supplies, coals, or tobacco, I have a limited supply right now to sell / give you if I like you :smiley:

I will hopefully get my import buisness off the ground this summer and be able to provide you with what you need.

If your looking for a nargila now, PM me I might be able to help you out. I think I have 6 nargila’s I can sell as of now, all brand new.

P.s- Hanzzzz… NEVER trust the persians :stuck_out_tongue: haha!

true words…LOL…i smoked it 2 much…smokin’ that since i was 17…
4 years+…not fun anymore…:slight_smile:

lol, all my friends are persian, haha,

you’re only 17? i thought u were older then me!

im not likeing the sound of this shisha… you dont get high. :frowning:
if i want a flavour smoke il get a flavoured blunt wrap for my MJ!, yum yum :slight_smile:
this is just my opinon. … as ive never tried shisha.

but im sure it smells alot better then those stinky ciggerattes. ewww yucky. but not as nice as a smell as a freshly lit joint. ahhhhhh

some people throw trees into their shisha transforming it into weesha, im not a fan… the best way to do it is to take maad hits from the bong, then smoke the shisha immediatly after. shisha smells sooo good, better then any air freshener, not at all like a flavoured cigarello or that shit.

hey ya, never thought of it that way, i dont smoke ciggs so normally there doesnt come a different smoke afterwords… does it cause pasties?

no pasties at all


Hanzzzz I get that alot :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’s good for clubs and bars, although the club scene isnt really my thing.

the aftersmoke is key, it also covers up the naughty smells


that shit is gold! and also, nargila is also the lebanese term for the quote/unquote bong.

but, shawarma + that strong arabic coffee + shesha = FTMFW! nothing can match it

LOL, glad you liked it.

I like this forum. Much more chilled than SON.

Also, if anyone is looking for some SERIOUS shwarma… (this is the food of my people as im from Israel) and your looking to sit down to eat, go for Chanah’s Shwarma on Bathurst and 16th in Richmond Hill.

If your looking for some shwarma on the go in my area, Sababa is also great.


I even had the pleasure of meeting some of these guys… Good experience.

I agree, and I hope we never get that way.
There’s one “group” on here that always seems to segregate themselves from the Nissan crowd and it pisses me off… but whatever.

SHISHA!!! I can feel it. I can taste it. I’m already coughing.


This shit ain’t even hardcore. LOL, joking man, no worries.

DJPyro, Maybe I’ll see you there. If you don’t see a silver Saab 9-3 I’m not there, or I hitched a ride.

hey, so “The March” at queen’s park is happening this saterday, who’s going to that? I’m not, i have work, but i know some of you who might be :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t smoke that shiet anymore.