The Official Nyspeed Photo Hunt v.3rd times a charm

dont lie you would stay late to do “windows updates” and sniff her chair for hours.

no laptops here

less talk about chair sniffing, more picture posting!

its on its way i swear, fucking windows mobile

all of mine are brought to nyspeed via windows mobile… and as you can see, mine come wit da quickness.

r u running 6.1? how do you like it… get on aim.

collective effort, rob and i

next up, rubberband ball

got this one quickly

go find a girl in a skirt, bonus for above the knees.

I think Chino just has a very cluttered deck full of random junk and pictures of other people that he is so quick and good at this.

nah that is actually thru the window of my office to the EHS director next to me… that one was super easy for me because he bounces that fucking thing all of the time and it sounds like an earthquake

edit: as proof that i do not just have my desk full of random toys posed for pix, this is my office :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry she’s out of the office this morning :frowning:

Next: Coffee Club Poster

Fuck. Fail.

wonder if the bosses daughter is still here…

go check!

That is the saddest rubber band ball I’ve ever seen LOL

lol fry… you just made that didn’t you.

Yes. :redface:

I can’t WAIT for someone to get fired for trying to snag a pic of a coworker in a dress for NYSpeed.

I mean, really how would you explain that?
“Why were you taking her picture?”
“See, there’s this website…”


“A porn website?!”
“well… Its mostly about cars… And the occasional jail bait, mostly cars though”