The Official Nyspeed Photo Hunt v.3rd times a charm

Miranda: im prego…no ass pictures


:wave: she is looking

-karma 4doorbabe

:rofl: WIN

i vote keep this thread WORK SAFE since its a day crew work related pic thread good GAWD

I vote stop dillydallying and photocopy your FACE!

if its a picture of a picture of someone holding a bucket, but the picture is in the office, does it count?


Are you sure you’re not on too early today?


This thread is failing.

Fail. We need to change this before night crew photocopies their sack.

or we can have fry delete the retarded posts, thus making us not look like failures and then lock it so that night crew wont leave us a ball shot. And really who on night crew has a copier?

fedex kinkos is open 24/7… some fucking idiot has to have fallen on that grenade

It’s 4:30, if everyone leaves I might go to the copier.:snky:
Edit: Just read it again, I am not writing NYSPEED anywhere.:biglaugh:

lol no, write NYSpeed on the PHOTOCOPY! Not your body!


All good things run their course…

such good intentions.


This thread is in for a makeover.

Tune in tomorrow morning.