The Official Nyspeed Photo Hunt v.3rd times a charm

ugh… motion to change item?

nobody can find cake.

a vista desktop is also acceptable.


The cake is a lie, and the desktop is rare.

Yeah I took care of that. Bunch of freakin inbred trolls turn this place into an insane asylum when the sun goes down.

Yeah it peaked early.

Oh good. Maybe after that you can tell us to go take a pic of a unicorn. :roll2:

OK fine. all items null and void. First one to post a pic of their work toilet. No urinals allowed.


I’m so pissed, I come back from lunch to see this great suggestion. I swear this thing used to say “PC LOAD LETTER”. After 5 minutes of trying to figure out how to get it to not auto send the job to a full tray, this is what I fucking get… :rant:

NEXT: How about a penny pic next to the sign for the men’s room?

Finally. But I wanted to see some crappers.

I walked over to the other side of the building to get this low rider gem.

aaaand Walter takes the helm.


why not just take the paper out of the trays… lol

ready for some new shit, finally

Actually, an HP LaserJet 4 that is out of paper will display “PC LOAD LETTER”

annnnd the new topic is…

we have totally entered failtown.

Didn’t think it was me, since it was changed and then a new topic suggested.

Tag a co-workers family photo with NYSpeed (method up to user) Bonus Points for extra horrid or inappropriate photos.

Ballsy. I’ll sit this one out

ugh i wish they didnt fire us for using our phones on the floor.

Pussy… here is an example for you whimps