The Official "Who's going to the lot" tonight Thread

and you say this without a broken nose :ninja :ninja

I have come to realize about 40% of the people that constitute the problem in the lower lot live in schenectady :gay

tell me about it.

i drove through the ghetto last week with 91240 and i seen at least 10 p’rs. incuding that white accord with one stock exhaust and 1 fart can. :lol (he works at rotterdam walmrt by my house, that cars is a complete joke)

You went to the lot? Shoulda came to Sean’s it was a good time! :lmao


I will still go, i can run really fast anyways :stuck_out_tongue:

just bring a shank.

i guess, its not a war zone IMO its just a bunch of touchy PR’s who are cranky cuz they cant hang out in the upper lot

:stuck_out_tongue: i just go and dont say anything and usually that keeps me outta trouble

Yeah, I’ll prolly end up going back to the lot this weekend if a few people go, of course I will be fully prepared…

Anyone wanna like go to the wash or something tonight??? I’m soo bored, haven’t done anything/left my house all day!! :bore :sleep

you atleast have to hit 9K b4 you leave

im bored too… lets go out to eat

actually its sunday too late for that isnt it

Let’s do something, if no one decided to do anything, i’ll probably just go to the wash and like sit there drying my car off until there’s no water droplets on it just to waste time :lmao


No problem!



well i think i’ll go out, so wats the deal… cuz u aint responding on aim

Yeah i’m signed on AIM on my other computer, PM through Shift is basically my AIM/ the best way to get ahold of me :lol

buuttt yeah my dad just made steak so i’m probably going to eat and then head out.

:lol :idiots

ok thats fine, who else is going out if anyone ? cuz i wanna go out just for the ride but not all the way to colonie if no one is gonna be there

yeah i was thinking that too, i mean i’m gonna go out either way, but for you i can understand…Idk, call around see who wants to come out

ya i got some people comin so i’ll be at the wash near the lot in about 20 mins

Who’s comin?